Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Bangert, Mark P.: Contemporary Contextualizing of the Cantatas for the Annunciation: Problems and Prospects. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 2. | Chafe, Eric T.: The Phrygian Mode in the Chorale Cantatas. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 3. | Franklin, Don O.: The 6/4 Time-signature as Sign and Symbol. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 4. | Konrad, Ulrich: Aspects of a Musical and Theological Understanding of Mariane von Zeigler's and Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantata 'Bisher habt ihr nichtsgebeten in meinen Namen' BWV 87. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 5. | Leaver, Robin A.: 'Christ lag in Todesbanden' (BWV 4): Hymnology and Chronology. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 6. | Leisinger, Ulrich: Possibilities and Restraints of a Representation of the Affects in Bach's Chorale Cantatas. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 7. | Marissen, Michael: The Redemptive Interpretation of Matthew 27: 25 in Bach's St. Matthew Passion. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 8. | Petzoldt, Martin: Bach as Cantor of St. Thomas in Leipzig. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 9. | Richter, Matthias: Theological Investigations of Four Bach Cantatas. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 10. | Scheide, William H.: Some Suggestions on Jahrgang II. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 11. | Schulze, Hans-Joachim: Bibeltext und musikalische Form. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 12. | Snyder, Kerala J.: Chorale Settings in Buxtehude's Vocal Works. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 13. | Steiger, Johann Anselm: Pietas orthodxa mystica,' Johann Gerhard's Meditative Mysticism. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 14. | Steiger, Renate: Symbol and Musical Inventio: Biblical and Emblematic Imagery in the Vocal Works of Johann Sebastian Bach [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 15. | Thyssen, Peter: Some Theological Observations on the Opening Choruses of Bach's Chorale Cantatas. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 16. | Vinzent, Markus: 'Church Music and Opera speak with one voice': on Erdmann Neumeister's 'Kunst-Revolution'. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |
| 17. | Walter, Meinrad: Interpretation der Kantate BWV 97 zu Flemings (im Wortlaut nicht umgedichten) Lied: 'In allen meinen Taten'. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997) | |