Bach Printed Music Database
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Author : Helm, E. Eugene
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Helm, E. Eugene:   Music at the court of Frederick the Great. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press. [1960] xx, 268p.
2. Helm, E. Eugene:   Six Random Measures of C. P. E. Bach. JMTheory 10/1 (Spring 1966), 139-151.
3. Helm, E. Eugene:   The 'Hamlet' fantasy and the literary element in C.P.E. Bach's music. MQ 58/2 (Apr 1972), 277-296.
4. Helm, E. Eugene:   An honorable shortcut to the works of C.P.E. Bach. FestschriftSer 5 (1985), 85-98.
5. Helm, E. Eugene:   Three Weeks of C.P.E. Bach in Hamburg. MTimes 129/1750 (Dec 1988), 664-666.
6. Helm, E. Eugene:   The Transmission of C. P. E. Bach's Music. [p]AMS_Baltimore (Nov 1988) A paper read at the 54th Annual Meeting of the AMS and the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory, 3-6 November 1988 in Baltimore, Maryland.
7. Helm, E. Eugene:   Thematic Catalogue of the Works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. [H] New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. xxvii, 271p. ISBN: 0-300-02654-4.
8. Helm, E. Eugene:   The editorial transmission of C.P.E. Bach's music. EarlyM 17/1 (Feb 1989), 32-41.
9. Helm, E. Eugene:   C. Ph. E. Bach and the Great Chain of Variation. VeröffJoachimJungiusGWiss 62 (1990), 223-230.
10. Wolff, Christoph; Emery, Walter; Helm, E. Eugene; Warburton, Ernest; Derr, Ellwood:   Die Bach-Familie. [Überarbeitete Ausgabe] Aus dem Englischen von Christoph Wolff und Bettina Obrecht. - Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1993. 475 S. (The New Grove. Die großen Komponisten).
11. Helm, E. Eugene:   Liebhaber, Kenner, and C.P.E. Bach in the musical philosophy of the Enlightenment. CPEBachKonzepteSR 2 (1998), 80-93.
12. Helm, E. Eugene:   Melody, harmony, tonality: A book for connoisseurs and amateurs. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2013. x, 198p. ISBN: 978-0-8108-8639-1; 978-0-8108-8640-7.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita