Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Johnson, Christopher M.: The Performance of Bach: Study of Rhythmic Timing by Skilled Musicians. BulCRME 141 (Summer 1999), 66-71 | |
| 2. | Johnson, Christopher M.: Effect of Instruction in Appropriate Rubato Usage on the Onset Timings of Musicians in Performances of Bach. JResearchMEduc 48/1 (2000), 78-84 | |
| 3. | Johnson, Christopher M.: Effect of rubato magnitude on the perception of musicianship in musical performance. JResearchMEduc 51/2 (Summer 2003), 115-123 | |
| 4. | Johnson, Christopher M.; Madsen, Clifford K.; Geringer, John M.: Effect of instruction in appropriate rubato usage on performances of Mozart and Bach: Replication and extension. IJMEduc 30/3 (Aug 2012), 185-194 | |