Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Zager, Daniel: Culture, Chorales, and Catechesis. ConcordiaTheolQ 64/2 (Apr 2000), 105-126 | |
| 2. | Zager, Daniel (ed.): Christ's Gifts of Healing for the Soul: Toward a Lutheran Identity in the New Millennium. [cr]GoodShepherdInst (2001), 115p | |
| 3. | Zager, Daniel (ed.): Music for the church: The life and work of Walter E. Buszin [ce]Buszin (2003), xi, 273p | |
| 4. | Zager, Daniel (ed.): Music and Theology: Essays in Honor of Robin A. Leaver. [fs]Leaver65 (2007), vii, 281p | |
| 5. | Huff, Steven R.; Zager, Daniel: A collision of values: text, music, and nascent enlightenment in J. C. Gottsched's and J. S. Bach's Trauerode. LessingYb 63 (2016), 9-33 | |
| 6. | Leaver, Robin A.; Zager, Daniel (eds.): Organ Accompaniment of Congregational Song: Historical Documents and Settings. Part (Volume) 1: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. HistOrganTechRepertoire 12 (2017), 117p | |
| 7. | Leaver, Robin A.; Zager, Daniel (eds.): Organ Accompaniment of Congregational Song: Historical Documents and Settings. Part (Volume) 2: Eighteenth-Century Germany. HistOrganTechRepertoire 13 (2017), 165p | |