Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Wolff, Christoph: Bach no Sezoku Kantata: Repatorii to Kontekusuto. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 19-50 | |
| 2. | Talbot, Michael: Itariago no Sezoku Kantata. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 53-78 | |
| 3. | Basso, Alberto: Opera to 'dramma per musica'. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 79-105 | |
| 4. | Hoppe, Günther: Keten Kyutei ni okeru Ongaku Katsudo. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 107-133 | |
| 5. | Schulze, Hans-Joachim: Leipzig no Kizoku to Shimin ni yoru Ongaku Shien. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 135-149 | |
| 6. | Leisinger, Ulrich: Shimin ya Kizoku no Ongaku to Bungaku no Tanoshimi. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 151-166 | |
| 7. | Glöckner, Andreas: Leipzig ni okeru Bach no Collegium Musicum to sono Zenshi. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 169-191 | |
| 8. | Kreutzer, Hans Joachim: Bach no Sezoku Kantata no Shijin to Shi. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 195-223 | |
| 9. | Ambrose, Z. Philip: Bach no Sezoku Kantata ni okeru Koten Shinwa to atarashii Shinwa. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 225-255 | |
| 10. | Schulze, Hans-Joachim: Sezoku Kantata no Keishiki to Ruikei. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 257-270 | |
| 11. | Schulze, Hans-Joachim: Bach no Parody Shori. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 271-308 | |
| 12. | Wollny, Peter: Solo Kantata to Solo Gakusho. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 311-328 | |
| 13. | Melamed, Daniel R.: Gasshokyoku, Nijushokyoku, Kigakukyoku. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 331-348 | |
| 14. | Koopman, Ton: Enso Jissen no Shoso. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 351-378 | |
| 15. | Wolff, Christoph; Koopman, Ton (eds.): Bach = Kantata no Sekai II: Sezoku Kantata. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 (2002), 405p | |