Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Kac, Julija: Zavisimosti tonal'no-funkcional'nogo plana fugi ot stupenevogo sostava ee temy. [fs]Kon75 (1995), 53-58. [The dependence of a fugue's tonal plan on its subject's intervallic structure] | |
| 2. | Frid, Rafael': Temporitm i kantilena: Zametki k probleme. [fs]Kon75 (1995), 61-69. [Tempo, rhythm, and cantilena: Notes on the issue] | |
| 3. | Milka, Anatolij Pavlovič: O koroljah i ricerkarah. [fs]Kon75 (1995), 92-98. [Of kings and ricercars] | Latin 2
| 4. | Kac, Boris: Ob intertekstual'nosti poslednej simfoniceskoj temy Bramsa. [fs]Kon75 (1995), 102-108. [The intertextuality of Brahms's last symphonic theme] | |
| 5. | Juzak, Kira (ed.): Vybor i socetanie: Otkrytaja forma--K 75-letiju so dnja rozdenija Juzefa Kona. [Choice and combination: Open form--For the 75th birthday of Juzef Kon] Sankt-Peterburg: Muzfond, 1995. 176p. ISBN: 5-87388-030-1. [contents] | |