Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Jullander, Sverker: A late-Romantic motet intabulation: Sigfrid Karg-Elert's organ transcription of J. S. Bach's Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied. [fs]Vogel65 (2006), 161-189 | |
| 2. | Butler, Lynn Edwards; Butler, Gregory: 'Rare, newly invented stops': Scheibe's organ for St. Paul's Church, Leipzig. [fs]Vogel65 (2006), 285-306 | |
| 3. | Friedrich, Felix: Heitere Anekdoten um den Hoforganisten Johann Ludwig Krebs und den Hoforgelbauer Tobias Heinrich Gottfried Trost. [fs]Vogel65 (2006), 307-312 | |
| 4. | Johnson, Cleveland (ed.): Orphei organi antiqui: Essays in honor of Harald Vogel. [fs]Vogel65 (2006), xvi, 400p | |