Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Gerstung, Denman Wayne: Performance Practice of Multiple Stops in the Sonatas and Partitas for Unaccompanied Violin of J.S. Bach. diss. (1970) | |
| 2. | Schaeffer, John Gerhardt: The Influence of the Late Baroque Instrumental Concerto on Bach's Free Forms for Organ and Clavier. diss. (1970) | |
| 3. | Engler, Klaus: Georg Poelchau und seine Musikaliensammlung. Ein Beitrag zur Überlieferung Bachscher Musik im 19. Jahrhundert. diss. (1970) | |
| 4. | Gillingham, B. R.: J. C. Bach's third set of keyboard concertos: a socio-musical study. diss. (1970) | |
| 5. | Jones, Anita Joyce Gilstrap: A survey of organ works based on the motive B-A-C-H. diss. (1970), 106p | |
| 6. | Alleln, Horst: Das Verhältnis Musik-Mathematik bei Johannes Kepler. Ein Beitrag zur Musiktheorie des frühen 17 Jahrhunderts. diss. (1970), 128p | |
| 7. | Pribyl, Lieselotte: Das Phänomen der atonikalen Werkeröffnung in der Klaviermusik von Ph. E. Bach bis R. Schumann. diss. (1970), 155; 178; 273p | |
| 8. | Waterman, Muriel Moore: The double keyboard concertos of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. diss. (1970), 173p | |
| 9. | Lenz, Christfried: Studien zur Satztechnik Bachs. Untersuchung einiger vom Erscheinungsbild der Vokalpolyphonie geprägter Kompositionen. diss. (1970), 181p | |
| 10. | Day, Thomas Charles: Palestrina in history: a preliminary study of Palestrina's reputation and influence since his death. diss. (1970), 201p | |
| 11. | Lutz, Lorna Kay: Friedrich Wilhelm Franke--seine Bedeutung in der Kirchenmusik. diss. (1970), 202p | |
| 12. | Heimann, Walter: Der Generalbaß-Satz und seine Rolle in Bachs Choralsatz. diss. (1970), 278p | |
| 13. | Sragow, Ruth LaPorte: The harmonic circle-of-fifths technique in late-Baroque and Classic orchestral music: a comparison. diss. (1970), 284p | |
| 14. | Chase, Harriet Ruth: German, Italian and Dutch Fugal Precursor of the Fugues in the Well-tempered Clavier I. 1600-1722. diss. (1970), 293p | |
| 15. | Milka, Anatolij Pavloviè: Funkcional'nost' muzykal'noj struktury i dinamika strukturnogo razvitija v sjuitach I. S. Bacha. diss. (1970), 333p | Latin 2
| 16. | Brown, Charles S.: The art of chorale-preluding and chorale accompaniment as presented in Kittel's Der angehende praktische Organist. diss. (1970), 350, 230p | |
| 17. | Kellar, Allan Dean: The Hamburg Bach: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach as Choral Composer. diss. (1970), 353p | |
| 18. | Schleuning, Peter: Die Freie Fantasie. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Klaviermusik des 18. Jahrhunderts. diss. (1970), 400p | |
| 19. | Weeks, William B.: The use of the chorale in the organ works of Ernst Pepping. diss. (1970), 80p | |
| 20. | Sollenberger, Elizabeth Travis: A Graded Analysis of the Organ Preludes and Fugues of Johann Sebastian Bach for Teachers and Students Providing a Compendium of Increasingly Difficult Performance Problems. diss. (1970), 88p | |
| 21. | Brandon, Beverlz Ann: Ornamentation of Italian Vocal Music of the Eighteenth Century according to Pietro Francesco Tosi and Giovanni Battista Mancini. diss. (1970), vi, 72p | |
| 22. | Rose, Juanelva M.: The Harmonic Idiom of the Keyboard Works of C. P. E. Bach. diss. (1970), xii, 289p | |
| 23. | Hammitt, Jackson Lewis, III: Sacred music in Berlin, 1740 to 1786. diss. (1970), xvii, 280p | |