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Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : JAMSoc
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Gaudefroy-Démombynes, Jean: Les Jugements allemands sur la Musique Française au XVIIIe Siècle. (1941), 457p
Paris: Librairie Orientale et Americaine, G.-P. Maisonneuve, 1941. 457p
JAMSoc iii/3 (1950) 258-259 (William L. Crosten)
2. Apel, Willi: Masters of the Keyboard: a Brief Survey of Pianoforte Music. (1947), 323p
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1947, 1948. 323p. London: Cumberlege.
JAMSoc i/2 (1948) 53 (John Kirkpatrick)
MLetters xxx (1949) 73-74 (I. K.)
3. Clercx, Suzanne: Le Baroque et la musique. Essai d'esthétique musicale. (1948), 243p
Bruxelles: Editions de la Libraire Encyclopédique, 1948. 243p. (= Publications de la Société Belge de Musicologie, Deuxième série, Tome I)
JAMSoc iv/1 (1951) 47-51 (William Fleming)
4. Kahl, Willi: Selbstbiographien deutscher Musiker des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. (1948), 350p
Mit Einleitungen und Anmerkungen. - Köln & Krefeld: Staufen-Verlag 1948. 349p; (fotomechan. Nachdruck Hilversum 1970?) - Amsterdam: Knuf 1970. 350p. [Bach, Johann Sebastian; Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel; Haydn, Joseph; Häßler, Johann Wilhelm; Kellner, Johann Peter; Quantz, Johann Joachim; Quiel, Johann Heinrich; Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich; Telemann, Georg Philipp]
JAMSoc iii/2 (1950) 148 (Paul Nettl)
MLetters xxxi/3 (Jul 1950) 269-270 (R.C.)
5. Scholes, Percy A.: The Great Dr Burney. His Life, His Travels, His Works, His Family and His Friends. (1948), xxxix, 380p; xiv, 438p
London: Oxford Univ. Press, in 2 vols. 1948. xxxix, 380p; xiv, 438p.
JAMSoc iii/1 (1950) 45-46 (Robert Manson Myers)
6. Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel: Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments. (1949), xiii, 449p
Translated and edited by William J. Mitchell. London, etc: Cassell and Co., 1949. 1974. xiii, 449p. - London: Eurenburg Books, 1974. xiii, 449p.
JAMSoc ii/2 (1949) 123-125 (Putnam Aldrich)
MQ xxxv/2 (Apr 1949) 323-329 (Arthur Mendel)
MTimes xc (1949) 438-439 (W. E.)
MReview xi (1950) 57-58 (G. A.)
MLetters xxxi/1 (Jan 1950) 71-73 (R. D.)
MSurvey ii/3 (Winter 1950) 193 (E. H. W. M.)
MReview xxxix (1978) 69 (A. F. L. T.)
7. Besseler, Heinrich; Kraft, Günter (eds.): Johann Sebastian Bach in Thüringen. Festgabe zum Gedenkjahr 1950. [ce]JSBiThüringen (1950), 255p
Quellenkundliche Studien, vorgelegt von einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft thüringischer Musikforscher. Weimar: Thüringer Volksverlag, 1950, 255p.
MLetters xxxii/4 (1951) 381-382 (W. S. Mann)
Notes ix/1 (Dec 1951) 133-134 (Karl Geiringer)
MReview xiii (1952) 65 (G. A.)
JAMSoc v/3 (Autumn 1952) 254-255 (Arthur Mendel)
8. Müller von Asow, Hedwig; Müller von Asow, Erich Hermann: Johann Sebastian Bach. Briefe. Gesamtausgabe. DMbücherei 1 [N.F.] (1950), 228p
2., verm. Aufl. Hrsg. im Auftr. des Internationalen Musiker-Brief-Archives von Hedwig u. Erich Hermann Müller von Asow. Regensburg: Bosse, 1950. 228p. (= Deutsche Musikbücherei, 1 [Neuausg.])
Mf iv/2-3 (1951) 251-253 (Rudolf Steglich)
JAMSoc v/3 (1952) 256-257 (Arthur Mendel)
9. Smend, Friedrich: Bach in Köthen. (1951), 229p
Berlin: Christlicher Zeitschrift Verlag 1951, 229p.
MQ xxxviii/4 (Oct 1952) 625-630 (Walter E Buszin)
MUsica vi/5 (1952) 216-218 (Otto Riemer)
Mf vi/4 (1953) 381-385 (Alfred Dürr)
JAMSoc vi/1 (Spring 1953) 69-74 (William H. Scheide)
10. Hamel, Fred: Johann Sebastian Bach. Geistige Welt. (1951), xi, 243p
Mit 29 Abb. - Göttingen: Deuerlichsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1951. xi, 243p. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2/1959, 4/1968. xi, 243p. (= Der Siebenstern)
JAMSoc v/3 (Autumn 1952) 257-259 (Walter E. Buszin)
Musica vi (1952) 338-339 (Konrad Ameln)
Notes x/2 (Mar 1953) 284-285 (Karl Geiringer)
Mf vii/1 (1954) 91-93 (Alfred Dürr)
MReview xviii (1957) 343 (H. F. R.)
Churchman xciii (1979) 380-381 (Robin A Leaver)
11. Barbour, J. Murray: Tuning and Temperament: A Historical Survey. (1951), xiv, 228p
Michigan: East Lansing, 1951. - N. Y: Da Capo Press, R/1972. xiv, 228p.
MReview xiii (1952) 320-322 (Ll. S. L.)
JAMSoc vi/2 (1953) 185-186 (Wayne Barlow)
12. Dürr, Alfred: Studien über die frühen Kantaten J. S. Bachs. BachSt 4 (1951), 243p
Zugl.: Göttingen, Phil. F., Diss. v. 14. Febr. 1953 (Nicht f. d. Aust.) - Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1951, 243p. R/1971 (= Bach-Studien, 4)
JAMSoc v/3 (Autumn 1952) 252-254 (Arthur Mendel)
MTimes xciii/1311 (May 1952) 212-213 (W. E.)
13. Albrecht, Otto E.: A Census of Autograph Music Manuscripts of European Composers in American Libraries. (1953), xviii, 331p
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953. xviii, 331p.
JAMSoc vi/2 (1953) 169-173 (Emanuel Winternitz)
RevueMcol xxxviii/113 (Jul 1956) 74-76 (André Schaeffner)
14. Geiringer, Karl: The Bach Family. Seven generations of creative genius. (1954), 514p
In collaboration with Irene Geiringer. London: Allen & Unwin 1954, xiv, 514p. - N.Y.: Da Capo Press 1980, 1981, 514p.
MTimes xcvi/1350 (Aug 1955) 420-421 (A. E. F. Dickinson)
Notes xii/2 (Mar 1955) 216-217 (Nathan Broder)
MLetters xxxvi/1 (Jan 1955) 74-76 (H. F. R.)
MReview xvi (1955) 155-157
MQ xlii/1 (Jan 1956) 99-103 (Walter E. Buszin)
JAMSoc xi/1 (Spring 1958) 56-58 (Herberg Livingston)
15. Winternitz, Emanuel: Musical Autographs from Monteverdi to Hindemith. (1955), 154p, 196 pl
2 vols. N. J.: Princeton; London: Cumberlege, 1955, 1956. 154p, 196pl.
MLetters xxxvii (1956) 283-285 (A. H. K.)
JAMSoc xi/2-3 (1958) 243-244 (Denis Stevens)
16. Geiringer, Karl (ed.): The Music of the Bach Family: An Anthology. (1955), 248p
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London: Cumberlege, 1955. - N.Y.: Da Capo Press 1980. 248p.
Notes xiii/2 (Mar 1956) 334/335 (William H. Scheide)
MLetters xxxvii/4 (Oct 1956) 406-407 (P. J. P.)
MQ xlii/1 (1956) 99 (Walter Buszin)
Mf ix/2 (1956) 234 (Wirth)
JAMSoc xi (Spring 1958) 58-59 (Herbert Livingston)
17. Mann, Alfred: The Study of Fugue. (1958), 341p
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Univ.Press 1958. - London: Faber & Faber, 1960. 341p. New York W W Norton & Company., 1965. - Greenwood Press Reprint, 1981. 351p. ISBN: 0-313-22623-7. - New York: Dover Publications, 1988. 352p. ISBN: 0486254399.
JAMSoc xii/1 (1959) 78-80 (Claude V. Palisca)
JMTheory iii/2 (Nov 1959) 316-319 (Donald Loach)
MTimes ci (1960) 300 (Arthur Hutchings)
MLetters xli (1960) 283-285 (H. K. Andrews)
MReview xxii (1961) 55-61 (Roger Bullivant)
18. Bach, Johann Sebastian: Clavier-Büchlein vor Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. (1959), xix, 154p
Edited in facsimile with a preface by Ralph Kirkpatrick. Yale University Press; London: Oxford Univ. Press 1959. xix, 154p. - N.Y.: Da Capo Press 1979. xix, 154p.
MReview xx (1959) 328 (Hans F. Redlich)
Musica xiii/6 (1959) 415 (Günter Haußwald)
Notes xvi/3 (Jun 1959) 459-460 (Richard S. Hill)
RevueMcol xliii/119 (1959) 117 (André Verchaly)
MLetters xli/1 (Jan 1960) 97-98 (J. A. Westrup)
MonMRecord xc/1000 (1960) 149-150 (G.A.)
JAMSoc xiv/3 (Autumn 1961) 409-413 (Ernest T. Ferand)
AmerRecorder xxi/2 (Aug 1980) 89 (Dale Higbee)
19. Newman, William S.: The Sonata in the Baroque Era. (1959), xvi, 447p
Chapel Hill, North Carolina Univ. Press; Oxford Univ. Press, 1959. xvii, 447p. - New York: Norton, 4/1983.
JAMSoc xii/1 (1959) 80-83 (Jan LaRue)
MTimes ci (1960) 301 (Wilfrid Dunwell)
MLetters xli (1960) 53-56 (Peter Evans)
20. Hutchings, Arthur: The Baroque Concerto. (1961), 363p
London: Faber & Faber, 1961. 363p. 2/1964, 3/1973.
MLetters xlii (1961) 364-366 (Hans Redlich)
JAMSoc xv/2 (1962) 228-231 (William S. Newman)
MReview xxiii (1962) 61-72 (Gerald Abraham)
MReview xxxv (1974) 326-327 (Peter J. Pirie)
21. Blume, Friedrich (ed.): Geschichte der evengelischen Kirchenmusik. [ce]GeschEvengelKirchenmusik (1965), xii, 467p
Zweite, neuarbeitete Aufl. Hrsg unter Mitarbeit von Ludwig Finscher, Georg Feder, Adam Adrio und Walter Blankenburg. Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1965. xii, 467p.
Musica xx/3 (1966) 105-108 (Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht)
JAMSoc xx/2 (1967) 297-300 (Donald Jay Grout)
22. Neumann, Frederick: The French 'Inégeles', Quantz, and Bach. JAMSoc 18/3 (Autumn 1965), 313-358
JAMSoc xix (1966) 112-113 (Roberg Donington) [communications]; xx (1967) 473-485
23. Eppstein, Hans: Studien über J. S. Bachs Sonaten für ein Melodieinstrument und obligates Cembalo. (1966), 199p
[Zugl.: Uppsala, Univ., Diss.1966.] - Stockholm, Uppsala: Almquist und Wiksells 1966. 199p. (= Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia musicologica Upsaliensia. Nova series, 2)
SvenskTidskrMf xlviii (1966) 220-225 (Alfred Dürr)
RevueMcol lii/2 (1966) 245-246 (Carl de Nys)
Musikrevy xxii (1967) 122
DanskMTidsskr xlii (1967) 141-143
NZsfM(2) cxxviii (1967) 165 (Carl Dahlhaus)
Mf xx/2 (1967) 198-199 (Hans Eppstein)
Mf xxi/3 (1968) 332-340 (Alfred Dürr); author's reply xxii/2 (1969) 206-208, Dürr's response p.209
JAMSoc xxi (1968) 114-117 (David R. Fuller)
BeitrMw xi/2 (1969) 153-155 (Werner Neumann)
24. Quantz, Johann Joachim: On Playing the Flute [1752]. (1966), 365p
Translated with notes and an introduction by Edward R. Reilly. London: Faber & Faber, 1966. 365p. - R/1976. xxxix, 368p. ISBN: 0571110339. - 2nd edn. London: Faber, 1985. xliii, 412p. ISBN: 0571180469; New York: Schirmer Books, 1985. xliii, 412p. ISBN: 0028701607 (Paperback); 002872920X.
JAMSoc xx/2 (1967) 300-302 (Howard Mayer Brown)
Mf xxii/1 (Jan-Mar 1969) 129-130 (Hans-Peter Schmitz)
25. Buelow, George J. (ed.): Thorough-Bass Accompaniment According to Johann David Heinichen. (1966), xiv, 316p
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. xiv, 316p.
RevueMcol liii/1 (1967) 74-76 (Denise Launay)
JMTheory xi/2 (1967) 281-85 (Albert Cohen)
Notes xxiii/4 (1967) 730-732 (Robert Donington)
JAMSoc xxi/3 (1968) 393-396 (Bathia Churgin)
Mf xxi/3 (1968) 381-382 (Walter Reckziegel)
MLetters l/2 (Apr 1969) 314-315 (B.W.G. Rose)
MEducatorsJ lvi/8 (Apr 1970) 85-86 (Donald M. McCorkle)
26. Herz, Gerhard (ed.): Cantata no.4 Christ lag in Todesbanden / Johann Sebastian Bach. (1967), 138p
An Authoritative Score, Backgrounds, Analysis, Views, and Comments. New York: Norton 1967. 138p. [BWV 4]
Notes xxv/1 (1968) 119-121 (Albert Seay)
JAMSoc xxiii/2 (1970) 356-358 (Henry Leland Clarke)
MKirche xlvi (1976) 235-237 (Gerhard Schuhmacher)
27. Williams, Peter F.: Figured Bass Accompaniment. (1970), 117, 131p
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1970. in 2 vols. [8], 117p; [6],131p. ISBN: 0-85224-054-6; 0-85224-055-4
MTimes cxii (1971) 239-240 (Denis Arnold)
MLetters lii/3 (1971) 321-322 (Jack Allen Westrup)
JAMSoc xxv/3 (1972) 476-479 (Tharald Borgir)
OrganYb iii (1972) 105 (Gustav Leonhardt)
MQ lviii/2 (1972) 308-315 (George J. Buelow)
AmerRecorder xiv/3 (1973) 91 (Dale Higbee)
28. Jacobi, Erwin R.: Five hitherto unknown letters from C.P.E. Bach to J.J.H. Westphal. JAMSoc 23/1 (Spring 1970), 119-127
JAMSoc xxiii/3 (1970) 545 (author)
29. Schlager, Karlheinz (ed.): RISM Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik. Serie A/I, Einzeldrucke vor 1800. (1971), 102*, 464; 62*, 560p
hrsg. von der intern. Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft und der Intern. Vereinigung der Musikbibliotheken. - Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1971. 102*, 464; 62*, 560p
AmerRecorder xiii/2 (1972) 64-65 (Dale Higbee)
SvenskTidskrMf liv (1972) 142-144 (Folke Lundberg)
TijdschrVNedMgeschied xxii/4 (1972) 287-289 (Chris Maas)
NZsfM(2) cxxxiii/6 (1972) 355-356 (Bernd Müllmann)
JAMSoc xxvi/1 (1973) 153-155 (Vincent H. Duckles)
AmerRecorder xiv/1 (1973) 19 (Dale Higbee)
Notes xxxi/1 (1974) 42-45 (Neal Zaslaw)
StudMcolAcadSciHungaricae xvi/1-4 (1974) 289-290 (Géza Papp)
30. Salmen, Walter (ed.): Der Sozialstatus des Berufsmusikers vom 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert. MwArb 24 (1971), 146p
Gesammelte Beiträge im Auftr. der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1971. 146p. ISBN: 3-7618-0245-5. (= Musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten, 24)
IReviewAesthSociolM iv/1 (1973) 133-134 (Koraljka Kos)
Mf xxv/4 (1972) 575-576 (Tibor Kneif)
HudebniVeda x/2 (1973) 165-166 (Jaroslav Buzga)
Diapason lxxvi/9 (1985) 8 (Bruce Gustafson)
Notes xli/3 (1985) 512-514 (William Weber)
Dix-huitième siècle, xviii (1986) 551-552 (Françoise Escal)
MLetters lxv/4 (1984) 402 (Alice Marie Hanson)
JAMSoc xxxix/1 (1986) 199-205
31. Wohlfarth, Hannsdieter: Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach. Ein Komponist im Vorfeld der Klassik. NHeidelbergStMw 4 (1971), 261p
Werkverz. S. 218-233. - Bern & München: Francke Verlag, 1971. 261p. ISBN: 3-7720-0035-5. (= Neue Heidelberger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 4) - Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 1968 u.d.T.: 'Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach als Instrumentalkomponist' (recno 19155).
JAMSoc xxvi/3 (Autumn 1973) 496-500 (Eugene Helm)
Mf xxvii/2 (1974) 265-266 (Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht)
32. Marshall, Robert Lewis: The Compositional Process of J. S. Bach. A study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal works. PrincetonStudM 4 (1972), xv, 271p; 189p
2 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1972. xv, 271p.; 189p. ISBN: 0-691-09113-7. (= Princeton Studies in Music, 4)
AmerRecorder xiii/4 (1972) 135 (Dale Higbee)
JMTheory xvi/1-2 (Spring-Winter 1972) 220-237 (Felix Salzer)
MTimes cxiv/1562 (Apr 1973) 380-381 (Walter Emery)
Notes xxix/4 (Jun 1973) 714-716 (Gerhard Herz)
JAMSoc xxvi/3 (Autumn 1973) 483-488 (Paul Brainard)
MLetters liv/3 (Jul 1973) 362-363 (J. A. Westrup)
MQ lx/2 (Apr 1974) 275-279 (Christoph Wolff)
SvenskTidskrMf lvi/1 (1974) 77-80 (Hans Eppstein)
Mf xxviii/4 (1975) 463-466 (Alfred Dürr)
MiscelMcol ix (1977) 218-220 (Andrew D. McCredie)
33. Smithers, Don L.: The Music and History of the Baroque Trumpet before 1721. (1973), 323p
Dent, 1973. 323p. 2nd Edn. Buren: Fritz Knuf, 1988, 352p
MTimes cxv (1974) 748-750 (Edward H. Tarr)
MReview xxxv (1974) 327-328 (Henry Raynor)
GalpinSocJ xxviii (1975) 137-138 (Anthony Baines)
JAMSoc xxix (1976) 320-323 (Mary Rasmussen)
GalpinSocJ xliv (1991) 188-191 (M. T. Wright)
34. Ryom, Peter: Antonio Vivaldi: Table des concordances des œuvres (RV). (1973), 92p
København: Engstrøm & Sødring, 1973. 92p. ISBN: 8787091003.
JAMSoc xxviii/1 (1975) 153-156 (Seymour SKesten)
Brio xiii/1 (1976) 23-24 (Clifford Bartlett)
35. Smither, Howard E.: A History of the oratorio. Vol.1: The oratorio in the Baroque era. Protestant Germany and England. (1977), xxvii, 480p
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977. xxvii, 480p. ISBN: 0807812749.
Brio xv/2 (1978) 56-57 (Clifford Bartlett)
MQ lxiv/3 (1978) 397-402 (Ellen T. Harris)
Notes xxxiv/4 (1978) 55-57 (Margaret Murata)
EtudesClassiques xlvii/1 (1979) 57 (Joseph Legrand)
MLetters lx/3 (1979) 341-345 (Winton Dean)
NRivistaMItali xiii/3 (1979) 699-703 (Lino Bianchi)
JAMSoc xxxii/2 (1979) 343-349 (Sven H. Hansell)
OMzs xxxvii/12 (1982) 716 (Theophil Antonicek)
36. Baselt, Bernd (ed.): Händel-Handbuch: II. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis: Oratorische Werke, Vokale Kammermusik, Kirchenmusik. [HWV] HändelHandb 2 (1984), 800p
Leipzig: DVfM; Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter (Gemeinschaftsausg), 1984. 800p. 2/2008 Bärenreiter (unveränd. Nachdr.) ISBN: 3-7618-0715-5.
NZsfM(2) cxlvi/5 (1985) 57 (Gerhard Schuhmacher)
Mf xxxix/2 (1986) 164-165 (Reinhard Wiesend)
OrganYb xvii (1986) 139 (Peter F. Williams)
JAMSoc xxxix/3 (1986) 655-663 (Mary Ann Parker-Hale)
WürttembergBlKm liv/3 (1987) 104 (Helmut Völkl)
37. Leaver, Robin A.: J. S. Bach and Scripture. Glosses from the Calov Bible Commentary. (1985), 191p
Introduction, Annotations, and Editing by Robin A. Leaver. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia, 1985. 191p.
Notes xlii/4 (Jun 1986) 787-788 (Richard Koprowski)
JAMSoc xl/2 (Summer 1987) 348-350 (Eric Chafe)
TheolLiteraturZ cxvi/7 (1991) 524-526 (Martin Petzoldt)
38. Wolff, Christoph (ed.): Orgelchoräle der Neumeister-Sammlung. Organ Chorales from the Neumeister Collection. (Yale University Manuscript LM 4708) / Johann Sebastian Bach. [NBA] [4] [9] (1985), x, 70p
Erstausgabe / first edition. Hrsg von / Edited by Christoph Wolff. - New Haven, London: Yale University Press and Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1985. x, 70p. Ed.-Nr.: BA 5181 (Pre-print of Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke IV/9) [BWV 714, 719, 742, 957, 1090-1120]
EarlyKeyboardJ v (1986-87) 76-80 (Charles Krigbaum)
OrganYb xvii (1986) 123-124 (Peter Williams)
MGesellschaft xxxvi/5 (1986) 273-274 (Dietmar Hiller)
MGottesd xl (1986) 66-67 (Andreas Marti)
Orgelvriend xxviii/7 (1986) (Jan W. van Spronsen)
MLetters lxviii/2 (Apr 1987) 195-196 (James Dalton)
MTimes cxxviii/1730 (Apr 1987)_ 188 (Philip K. Norman)
JAMSoc xl/2 (Summer 1987) 352-361 (Russell Stinson)
Notes xliii/4 (Jun 1987) 919-921 (Karl Geiringer)
Mf xlii/2 (1990) 193 (Klaus-Jürgen Sachs)
39. Cox, Howard H. (ed.): The Calov Bible of J. S. Bach. StudMcol 92 (1985), x, 460p
Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1985. x, 460p. ISBN: 0-8357-1706-2. (= Studies in Musicology, 92)
Notes xlii/4 (Jun 1986) 787-788 (Richard Koprowski)
OrganYb xvii (1986) 136 (Peter Williams)
JAMSoc xl/2 (Summer 1987) 343-348 (Eric Chafe)
AmerOrganist(2) xxiii (1989) 37-38 (Hettrick Jane Schatkin)
40. Bach, Johann Sebastian: The Neumeister Collection of Chorale Preludes from the Bach Circle. (Yale University Manuscript LM 4708). (1986), 176p
A Facsimile Edition. Introduction by Christoph Wolff. New Haven; London: Yale Univ. Press, 1986. 176p. ISBN: 0-300-03510-1.
OrganYb xvii (1986) 123 (Peter Williams)
JAMSoc xl/2 (Summer 1987) 352-358 (Russell Stinson)
Notes xliii/4 (1987) 919-921 (Karl Geiringer)
41. Lester, Joel: The Rhythms of Tonal Music. (1986), vii, 284p
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986. viii, 284p. ISBN: 0-809-31282-4; 0809312824
JAMSoc xli/2 (1988) 382-392 (William E. Caplin)
InTheoryOnly x/5 (1988) 29-39 (William Rothstein)
JMTheory xxxiv/1 (1990) 101-107 (Robert O. Gjerdingen)
42. Pelikan, Jaroslav: Bach among the Theologians. (1986), xiv, 158p
Philadelphia: Fortress Press. (ISBN-0-8006-0792-9, 1-792) 1986, xiv, 158p.
JAMSoc xl/2 (Summer 1987) 350-352 (Eric Chafe)
HetOrgel lxxxvi (1990) 266-267 (Albert Clement)
Christian Scholar's Review xx (1991) 306-308 (Stephen A. Crist)
43. Harrán, Don: Word-Tone Relations in Musical Thought: from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century. McolStudDoc 40 (1986), xviii, 517p
American Institute of Musicology; Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1986. xviii, 517p. ISBN: 3-7751-1070-4 (= Musicological studies & documents, 40)
Notes xliv/2 (1987) 267-269 (Peter Kivy)
EarlyM xv/3 (1987) 403-404 (David Fallows)
JMTheory xxxii/2 (1988) 357-366 (Maria Rika Maniates)
JAMSoc xlii/1 (1989) 161-172 (Bonnie J. Blackburn)
MLetters lxx/1 (1989) 78-79 (John Stevens)
NRivistaMItali xxiii/4 (1989) 600-602 (Enrico Fubini)
Muzyka xxxvii/1 (1992) 90-98 (Ryszard J. Wieczorek)
44. Snyder, Kerala J.: Dietrich Buxtehude: Organist in Lübeck. (1987), xxiii, 551p
New York: Schirmer; London: Macmillan, 1987, xxiii, 551p. ISBN: 0-02-873080-1.
Concerto vi/44 (1988) 5-6 (Reinhard Goebel)
MKirche lviii/4 (1988) 202-205 (Georg Karstädt)
Notes xliv/4 (1988) 711-713 (Douglas Salokar)
JAMSoc xlii/3 (1989) 657-658 (George B. Stauffer)
EarlyM xvii/1 (1989) 94-99 (Julie Anne Sadie)
MLetters lxx/3 (1989) 398-400 (Keith Elcombe)
OruganKenkyu xxxv (2007) 52-56 (Tsuguo Hirono)
45. Dreyfus, Laurence: Bach's Continuo Group: Players and Practices in his Vocal Works. StudHistM(Harvard) 3 (1987), xii, 264p
Cambridge, Mass; London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1987, xii, 264p. (= Studies in the History of Music, 3)
JAMSoc xli/2 (Summer 1988) 349-354 (Peter Williams)
Concerto vi/44 (1988) 5-6 (Reinhard Goebel)
EarlyM xvi/4 (Nov 1988) 563,565,567 (Keith Elcombe)
OrganYb xix (1988) 144-145 (Peter F. Williams)
Concerto vi/42 (1989) 35-36 (Thomas Synofzik)
BachJb lxxv (1989) 238-239 (Christoph Wolff)
JAmerMInstrSoc xl (1989) 125-127 (Gordon Sandford)
ARecorder xxxii/2 (1991) 21-22 (Howart Schott)
IDoubleReedSoc xiv/3 (1991) 67-68 (Daryl Durran)
MLetters lxxiii/1 (Feb 1992) 104-105 (David Ledbetter)
PerformPractReview v/1 (Spring 1992) 109-112 (Patrick J Rogers)
46. Stauffer, George B. (ed.): The Forkel-Hoffmeister & Kühnel Correspondence. A Document of the Early 19th-Century Bach Revival. (1988), xxviii, 151p
The Letters of Johann Nicolaus Forkel to the Bureau de Musique of Hoffmeister & Kühnel (The Predecessor of C. F. Peters). Transcribed by Joseph Braunstein (New York City). Translated and Annotated by Arthur Mendel (Princeton University). The Letters of the Bureau de Musique of Hoffmeister & Kühnel to Johann Nicolaus Forkel. Transcribed and Annotated by Karen Lehmann (Nationale Forschungs- und Gedenkstätten Johann Sebastian Bach, Leipzig. Translated by George B. Stauffer. New York: C. F. Peters, 1990. xxviii, 151p.
JMcolResearch xii/1,2 (1992) 153-154 (Hans Lenneberg)
JAMSoc xlv/2 (Summer 1992) 339-352 (Daniel R. Melamed)
MKirche lxiii/1 (1993) 32 (Diethard Hellmann)
Mf xlvi (1993) 213-214 (Michael Heinemann)
Notes xlix/4 (Jun 1993) 1439-1440 (Vivien Lo)
47. Stinson, Russell: The Bach Manuscripts of Johann Peter Kellner and His Circle. A Case Study in Reception History. (1989), xvi, 184p
Durham, London: Duke Univ. Press, 1989. xvi, 184p. ISBN: 0-8223-1006-6.
Diapason lxxxii/3:976 (Mar 1991) 7-8 (James B. Hartmann)
Notes xlviii/1 (Sep 1991) 65-69 (John Butt)
MKirche lxi/2 (1991) 94-95 (Albert Clement)
MTimes cxxxii/1778 (Apr 1991) 196 (Stephen Daw)
MLetters lxxii/3 (Aug 1991) 440-441 (Richard D. Jones)
JAMSoc xlv/2 (Summer 1992) 339-352 (Daniel R. Melamed)
JMcolResearch xii/3 [supplement] (1992) 53-59 (Stephen A. Crist)
EarlyM xxi/1 (1993) 115-117 (David Ledbetter)
BachJb lxxxii (1996) 166-170 (Rolf Dietrich Claus)
48. Butler, Gregory G.: Bach's Clavier-Übung III: The making of a print. With a companion study of the Canonic Variations on 'Vom Himmel hoch', BWV 769. (1990), 139p
Duke University Press, 1990. 139p. ISBN: 0-8223-1009-0.
Notes xlviii/1 (Sep 1991) 65-69 (John Butt)
MLetters lxxii/3 (Aug 1991) 65-70 (Richard D. Jones)
Diapason lxxxii/5:978 (May 1991) 8 (James B. Hartmann)
Organ lxx/277 (1991) 148
JAMSoc xlv/2 (Summer 1992) 339-352 (Daniel R. Melamed)
MTimes cxxxii/1778 (Apr 1992) 196 (Stephen Daw)
MKirche lxiii (1993) 163-166 (Albert Clement)
EarlyM xxi/1 (Feb 1993) 115-116 (David Ledbetter)
CurMcol lvi (1994) 125-137 (George Stauffer)
OruganKenkyu xxv (1997) 43-45 (Yukiko Hayakawa)
49. Butt, John: Bach Interpretation. Articulation Marks in Primary Sources of J. S. Bach. (1990), xiii, 278p
Cambridge; N.Y.; Port Chester; Melbourne; Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xiii, 278p.
EarlyM xix/2 (May 1991) 285-287 (Keith Elcombe)
MLetters lxxii/3 (Aug 1991) 435-437 (Peter F. Williams)
MTimes cxxxiii/1788 (Feb 1992) 78 (Ton Koopman)
Notes xlviii/4 (Jun 1992) 1255-1256 (Jeanne Swack)
PerformPractReview v/2 (Fall 1992) 199-202 (Kimberly Marshall)
JAMSoc xlv/2 (Summer 1992) 339-352 (Daniel R. Melamed)
Notes xlviii/4 (1992) 1255-1256 (Jeanne Swack)
50. Wolff, Christoph: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach und Wien: Zum Kontext der Orchester-Sinfonien mit zwölf obligaten Stimmen. VeröffJoachimJungiusGWiss 62 (1990), 119-131
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
51. Tatlow, Ruth: Bach and the Riddle of the Number Alphabet. (1991), 186p
Cambridge University Press, 1991. 186p
HetOrgel lxxxvii (1991) 281-282 (Albert Clement)
TimesHigherEducSuppl (22 Mar 1991) (Basil Smallman)
EarlyMNews cli (Apr 1991) 13 (Clifford Bartlett)
TimesLiterarySuppl (19 Jul 1991) (Malcolm Boyd)
SvenskaDagbladet (7 Nov 1991) (Carl-Gunnar Åhlén)
JAMSoc xlv/2 (Summer 1992) 339-352 (Daniel R. Melamed)
MLetters lxxiii/1 (Feb 1992) 105-107 (John Butt)
Notes xlix/1 (Sep 1992) 97-99 (Jeanne Swack)
BachJb lviii (1992) 139-140 (Christoph Wolff)
MTimes cxxxiii/1787 (Jan 1992) 26 (Stephen Daw)
Journal of English and Germanic Philology xciii/1 (1994) 88-91 (John Neubauer)
52. Melamed, Daniel R.: J. S. Bach and the German Motet. (1995), xv, 229p
Cambridge Univ Press, 1995. xv, 229p - R/2005 (paperback). xv, 229p. ISBN: 0-521-61976-9.
MTimes cxxxvii/1840 (1996) 40-41 (Geoffrey Webber)
MLetters lxxvii/3 (Aug 1996) 469-470 (Malcolm Boyd)
Brio xxxiii/1 (1996) 61 (Katharine Hogg)
CanadianUnivMReview xvii/1 (1996) 127-131 (Erich Schwandt)
TimesLiterarySuppl 4872 (16 Aug 1996) 20 (Iain Fenlon)
JAMSoc l/1 (Spring 1997) 211-217 (John Butt)
ChoralJ xxxvii/7 (1997) 44-45 (Edward Lundergan)
JMcolResearch xvii/3-4 (1998) 261-269
HNetReviews (Oct 2006) (Janette Tilley)
53. Dreyfus, Laurence: Bach and the Patterns of Invention. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 270p
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1996. [v], 270p. ISBN: 0674060059; Paperback edn. 2004. 288p. ISBN: 0-674-01356-5
MTimes cxxxviii/1852 (Jun 1997) 34-36 (Ivan Hewett)
BBCMMag v/12 (Aug 1997) 19 (Malcolm Boyd)
NYReviewBooks xliv/15 (9 Oct 1997) 51-55 (Charles Rosen)
TimesLiterarySuppl 4934 (24 Oct 1997) 22 (Peter F. Williams)
EarlyM xxvii/1 (Feb 1998) 145-147 (John Butt)
Fanfare (Jul-Aug 1998) 343-345 (Bernard D. Sherman), online
JAMSoc lii/3 (Autumn 1999) 627-633 (Stephen A. Crist)
MousikosLogos i/1 (Spring 2000) (Adam Panagiotis)
TheoryPractice xxvi (2001) 117-140 (Karl Braunschweig)
EarlyMReview 104 (Dec 2004) 12 (Clifford Bartlett)
54. Heller, Karl: Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke. Serie V · Band 11. Bearbeitungen fremder Werke. Kritischer Bericht. NBA 5/11 (1997), 180p
Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1997. 180p. [Ed.-Nr.: BA 5088-41]
Mf liv/2 (2001) 215-216 (Werner Breig)
JAMSoc lv/2 (2002) 353-365 (David Schulenberg)
55. Heller, Karl (ed.): Bearbeitungen fremder Werke / Johann Sebastian Bach. NBA 5/11 (1997), xiii, 205p
Concerti BWV 972-987, 592a; Sonaten BWV 965, 966, Fuga BWV 954. Hrsg. von Karl Heller. - Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1997. xii, 205p. Ed.-Nr.: BA 5088. (= Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke. Hrsg vom Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen und vom Bach-Archiv Leipzig. Serie V: Klavier- und Lautenwerke. Band 11)
EarlyM xxvii/4 (1999) 664-667 (David Ledbetter)
Mf liv/2 (2001) 215-216 (Werner Breig)
JAMSoc lv/2 (2002) 353-365 (David Schulenberg)
56. Wollny, Peter: Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke. Serie V · Band 9.1. Toccaten BWV 910-916. Kritischer Bericht. NBA 5/ 9.1 (1999), 130p
Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1999. 130p. [Ed.-Nr.: BA 5091-41]
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
OrganYb xxix (2000) 168-173 (Peter Williams)
JAMSoc lv/2 (2002) 353-365 (David Schulenberg)
57. Wollny, Peter (ed.): Toccaten BWV 910-916 / Johann Sebastian Bach. NBA 5/ 9.1 (1999), xiii, 121p
Hrsg. von Peter Wollny. - Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1999. xiii, 121p. Ed.-Nr.: BA 5091. (= Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke. Hrsg vom Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen und vom Bach-Archiv Leipzig. Serie V: Klavier- und Lautenwerke. Band 9.1) [BWV 910-916]
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
OrganYb xxix (2000) 168-173 (Peter Williams)
JAMSoc lv/2 (Summer 2002) 353-365 (David Schulenberg)
58. Wolf, Uwe (ed.): Sechs kleine Präludien BWV 933-938; Einzeln überlieferte Klavierwerke I / Johann Sebastian Bach. NBA 5/ 9.2 (1999), xii, 187p
Praeludium BWV 921, Fantasie BWV 917, 918, 922, Praeludium und Fuge BWV 894, 895, 896, 923 / 951, 951a, Chromatische Fantasie und Fuge BWV 903, 903a, Fantasie und Fuge BWV 904, 906, 944, Fuge BWV 946, 948, 949, 950, 952, 959, Fughetta BWV 961, Sonate BWV 967. Hrsg. von Uwe Wolf. - Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1999. xii, 187p. Ed.-Nr.: BA 5092. (= Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke. Hrsg vom Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen und vom Bach-Archiv Leipzig. Serie V: Klavier- und Lautenwerke. Band 9.2)
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
OrganYb xxix (2000) 168-173 (Peter Williams)
JAMSoc lv/2 (2002) 353-365 (David Schulenberg)
Mf lvi/2 (2003) 221-222 (Werner Breig)
59. Chafe, Eric T.: Analyzing Bach Cantatas. (2000), xvii, 286p
New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, xvii, 286p. ISBN: 0-19-512099-X.
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyMReview 65 (Nov 2000) 5 (Clifford Bartlett)
MTimes cxli/1872 (Fall 2000) 13-15 (Peter Williams)
CurMcol lxx (Fall 2000) 141-158 (John Ito)
EarlyM xxix/4 (Nov 2001) 637-640 (David Humphreys)
EarlyMHist xxi/1 (2002) 259-290 (John Butt)
JAMSoc lv/3 (Fall 2002) 538-547 (Mary J. Greer)
MLetters lxxxiv/1 (Feb 2003) 95-97 (Matthew Dirst)
Notes lx/4 (Jun 2004) 961-963 (Calvin Stapert)
60. Wolff, Christoph: Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician. (2000), xvii, 599p
New York: W. W. Norton; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. xvii, 599p. ISBN: 0-19-816534-X (Oxford); 0-393-04825-X (Norton). - paperback edn. 2002. ISBN: 0-19-924884-2 (Oxford); 0-393-32256-4 (Norton). - upd edn. New York [u.a.]: Norton, 2013. xxxv, 599p. ISBN: 978-0-393-32256-9.
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
New York Times Book Review (9 Apr 2000) 26-27 (Edward Rothstein)
NYReviewBooks, xlvii/10 (Jun 15 2000) 47-51 (Robert Marshall)
The New Republic (10 & 17 Jul 2000) 33-38 (John Butt)
MTimes cxli/1872 (2000) 13-15 (Peter Williams)
AmerOrganist(2) xxxiv/12 (2000) 50-51 (Frank Morana)
TimesLiterarySuppl 5094 (17 Nov 2000) 8 (Andrew Manze)
EarlyMReview 61 (Jun 2000) 5 (Clifford Bartlett)
EarlyM xxix/1 (Feb 2001) 128-129 (David Ledbetter)
ExecutiveIntelligReview xxviii/11 (March 16, 2001) 62-67 (David Shavin)
London Review of Books, xxiii/14 (19 Jul 2001) 11-13
Notes lviii/1 (Sep 2001) 59-62 (David Schulenberg)
MLetters lxxxii/4 (Nov 2001) 622-625 (Michael Talbot)
JAMSoc liv/2 (Summer 2001) 374-382 (David Yearsley)
Tracker xlvi/4 (2002) 19 (John Ogasapian)
AmerChoralReview xliv/2 (2002) 6-7
61. Wolf, Uwe: Johann Sebastian Bach. Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke. Serie V · Band 9.2. Sechs kleine Praeludien; Einzeln überlieferte Klavierwerke I. Kritischer Bericht. NBA 5/ 9.2 (2000), 366p
Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 2000. 366p. [Ed.-Nr.: BA 5092-41]
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
OrganYb xxix (2000) 168-173 (Peter Williams)
JAMSoc lv/2 (2002) 353-365 (David Schulenberg)
Mf lvi/2 (Apr-Jun 2003) 221-222 (Werner Breig)
62. Wright, Craig: The Maze and the Warrior: Symbols in Architecture, Theology, and Music. (2001), ix, 351p
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001. ix, 351p. ISBN: 0-674-00503-1.
EarlyM xxxi/1 (Feb 2003) 125-127 (Jeffrey Dean)
JAMSoc lvi/2 (Summer 2003) 467-478 (Barbara Haggh)
NYReviewBooks li/11 (2004) 42-45 (Joseph Kerman)
EarlyMAmer xi/1 (2005) 50 (Alexander Blachly)
63. Garratt, James: Palestrina and the German Romantic Imagination: Interpreting Historicism in Nineteenth-Century Music. (2002), xiv, 318p
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xiv, 318p. ISBN: 0-511-02917-9 (e-book); 0-521-80737-9 (hardback) (= Musical Performance and Reception)
EarlyMReview 84 (Oct 2002) 2 (Clifford Bartlett)
MTimes cxliv (Fall-Winter 2003) 64 (Peter Phillips)
JAMSoc lviii/2 (Summer 2005) 458-467 (David Gramit)
Notes lx/3 (Mar 2004) 666-668 (Richard Boursy)
MLetters lxxxvi/1 (Feb 2005) 139-142
19cMReview i/1 (2005) 176-179 (Stefano Mengozzi)
64. Butt, John: Playing with History: The Historical Approach to Musical Performance. (2002), xv, 265p
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xv, 265p. ISBN: 0-521-81352-2 (hardback); 0-521-01358-5 (paperback); 0-511-03020-7 (eBook).
EarlyMReview 86 (Dec 2002) 2 (Clifford Bartlett)
MTimes cxliii (Fall-Winter 2002) 68-69 (Peter Williams)
EarlyKeyboardJ xxi(2003) 89-93 (Richard T. Semmens)
TijdschriftOudeMuziek xviii/1 (Feb 2003) 32-33 (Johannes Boer)
EarlyMAmer x/1 (Spring 2004) 55-56 (Tina Chancey)
JAMSoc lix/2 (Summer 2006) 482-488 (Bernard D. Sherman)
65. Yearsley, David: Bach and the Meanings of Counterpoint. (2002), xvi, 257p
Cambridge UP, 2002. xvi, 257p. ISBN: 0-521-80346-2. - repr. 2010. ISBN: 978-0-521-09099-5.
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
TijdschrMtheorie viii/2 (May 2003) 168-169 (Thomas Op de Coul)
MTimes cxliv/1883 (Summer 2003) 64-66 (Peter Williams)
EarlyM xxxi/2 (May 2003) 275-276 (David Humphreys)
JMcolResearch xxii/4 (2003) 387-402 (David Schulenberg)
ColMSymposium xliv (2004) (Jane Solose)
McolAustralia xxvii (2004) 135-138 (Denis Collins)
18cM i/1 (Mar 2004) 100-104 (James Currie)
MEducatorsJ xc/4 (Mar 2004) 77-78 (Michelle Barnes)
CanadianUnivMReview xxiv/2 (2004) 87-90 (Janette Tilley)
BachNotesABS 3 (Spring 2005) 6-7 (Paul M. Walker)
MTheorySpec xxvii/1 (Spring 2005) 113-117 (Daniel K. L. Chua)
JAMSoc lviii/3 (Fall-winter 2005) 710-717 (George B. Stauffer)
MTheoryOnline xii/1 (Feb 2006) (Peter N Schubert)
66. Applegate, Celia; Potter, Pamela Maxine (ed.): Music and German national identity. [ce]MGermanNatIdentity (2002), x, 319p
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2002. x, 319p. ISBN: 0-226-02130-0; 0-226-02131-9.
MLetters lxxxv/2 (May 2004) 285-295 (James Garratt)
LiedPopuläreKultur xlviii (2003) 343-346 (Elmar Juchem)
MTimes cxliv (Fall 2003) 62-63 (Arnold Whittall)
19cMReview ii/2 (2005) 163-165 (T.J. Hochstrasser)
JAMSoc lviii/2 (Summer 2005) 467-472 (Sebastian Klotz)
RevueMcol xc/1 (2004) 159-161 (Esteban Buch)
Canadian Journal of History xxxix/1 (Apr 2004) 143-145 (David Monod)
Kurt Weill newsletter, xxi/2 (Fall 2003) 17-18 (Jürgen Thym)
67. Reynolds, Christopher A.: Motives for allusion: Context and content in nineteenth-century music. (2003), xii, 230p
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003. xii, 230p. ISBN: 0-674-01037-X; 978-0-674-01037-6.
MResearchForum xix/1 (2004) 84-89 (Kevin Burke)
Notes lx/3 (Mar 2004) 668-670 (Christopher Hatch)
JAMSoc lviii/3 (Fall 2005) 736-748 (Raymond Knapp)
JMcolResearch xxiv/1 (Jan-Mar 2005) 71-75 (R. Larry Todd)
SaggiatoreM xii/2 (2005) 466-467 (Andrea Malvano)
MTheorySpec xxviii/1 (Spring 2006) 111-118 (Michael L. Klein)
Beethoven forum xiii/2 (Fall 2006) 188-205 (Karen Painter)
MTheoryOnline, 14, no. 1 (2008) (David B. Easley)
68. Heartz, Daniel: Music in European capitals: The galant style, 1720-1780. (2003), xxiv, 1078p
New York: W.W. Norton. 2003, xxiv, 1078p. ISBN: 0-393-05080-7; 978-0-393-05080-6.
Strings xvii/8 (May-Jun 2003) 79 (Heather K. Scott)
EarlyMReview 97 (Feb 2004) 9 (Clifford Bartlett)
MTimes cxlv (Spring 2004) 112-116 (Patricia Howard)
AdParnassum ii/3 (Apr 2004) 191-194 (Michael Talbot)
Notes lx/4 (Jun 2004) 958-961 (Mary Sue Morrow)
Goldberg 32 (Feb 2005) 12 (Brian Robins)
MEducatorsJ xcii/1 (Sep 2005) 25-26 (Ralph D. Converse)
MozartJb (2005) 307-311 (Henning Bey)
JAMSoc lix/1 (Spring 2006) 196-202 (Susan Wollenberg)
18cM iii/1 (Mar 2006) 148-153 (David Charlton)
Mf lix/4 (Oct-Dec 2006) 393-394 (Ludwig Finscher)
SaggiatoreM xiv/2 (2007) 448-451 (Raffaele Mellace)
69. Schulenberg, David (ed.): 'Probestücke', 'Leichte' and 'Damen' sonatas / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 3 (2005), xxxiv, 190p
Edited by David Schulenberg. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2005. xxxiv, 190p (Critical report pp.153-190). ISBN: 1-933280-01-8; 978-1-933280-01-1. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 3) [Achtzehn Probe-Stücke in sechs Sonaten, Wq 63/1 - 6. Sechs leichte Clavier Sonaten, Wq 53/1 - 6. Six sonates pour le clavecin à l'usage des dames, Wq 54/1 - 6. Sechs neue Clavier-Stücke, Wq 63/7 - 12] [Wq 63/1-6 (H 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75), Wq 53 (H 162, 163, 180, 181, 182, 183), Wq 54 (H 184, 185, 204, 205, 206, 207), Wq 63/7-12 (H 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297)]
EarlyM xxxiv/4 (Nov 2006) 694-696 (Susan Wollenberg)
SECM Newsletter 10 (Apr 2007) 6 (R. Todd Rober)
Notes lxiv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
70. Wollny, Peter (ed.): Miscellaneous Keyboard Works II (Character pieces, solfeggios, duets, suites, juvenilia, and other short pieces) / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 8.2 (2005), xxxvi, 216p
Edited by Peter Wollny. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2005. xxxvi, 216p (Critical report pp. 149-216). ISBN: 1-933280-04-2; 978-1-933280-04-2. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 8.2) [Petites pièces pour le clavecin (Wq 116/18-22, 117/17-40, 199/16). Solfeggios (Wq 117/1-4). Minuets and polonaises (Wq 111, 116/1-8). Sechs leichte kleine Clavierstücke and related pieces (Wq 116/23-28; H 255-258). Vier kleine Duetten für zwei Claviere (Wq 115/1-4). Suites (Wq 65/4, 62/12). Juvenilia (BWV Anh. 122-125; Wq 116/1/i; H 340; Wq/H desunt). Incerta (H 370; Wq/H deest)] [BWV Anh. 122, 123, 124, 125 - Wq 62/12, 65/4, 111, 115, 116, 117, 199/16 - H 255, 256, 257, 258, 340, 370]
EarlyM xxxv/3 (Aug 2007) 469-470 (Douglas Hollick)
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
71. Kidger, David (ed.): Orchester-Sinfonien mit zwölf obligaten Stimmen / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 3 (2005), xxiv, 124p
Edited by David Kidger. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2005. xxiv, 124p. ISBN: 1-933280-00-X; 978-1-933280-00-4. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 3) [Wq 183/1-4 - H. 663, 664, 665, 666]
EarlyM xxxiv/4 (Nov 2006) 694-696 (Susan Wollenberg)
Notes liv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
72. Lee, Douglas A. (ed.): Sei concerti per il cembalo concertato / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 8 (2005), xxiv, 312p
Edited by Douglas A. Lee. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2005. xxiv, 312p. ISBN: 1-933280-02-6; 978-1-933280-02-8. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 8) [Wq 43/1-6 - H 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476]
EarlyM xxxiv/4 (2006) 694-696 (Susan Wollenberg)
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
73. Leisinger, Ulrich (ed.): Works for Special Occasions I / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 5/ 5.1 (2005), xxx, 143p
Edited by Ulrich Leisinger. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2005. xxx, 143p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-06-6; 1-933280-06-9. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series V: Choral Music, Volume 5.1) [Dank-Hymnme der Freundschaft, H 824e]
18cM v/1 (Mar 2008) 123-125 (Wiebke Thormählen)
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
74. Ogasapian, John; Huntington, Scot; Levasseur, Len; Orr, N. Lee (eds.): Litterae organi: Essays in honor of Barbara Owen. [fs]Owen (2005), xxi, 388p
Richmond, VA: Organ Historical Society, 2005. xxi, 388p. ISBN: 0-913499-22-6.
OrganYb xxxv (2006) 176-180 (David Ponsford)
AmerOrganist(2) xl/2 (2006) 86-88 (Haig Mardirosian)
JAMSoc xxxiii (2007) 254-255 (Isabelle Emerson)
75. Sposato, Jeffrey S.: The price of assimilation: Felix Mendelssohn and the nineteenth- century anti-Semitic tradition. (2006), xi, 228p
Oxford [u.a.]: Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. xi, 228p. ISBN: 0-19-514974-2. - Revised verson of the author's PhD diss., 'The price of assimilation: The oratorios of Felix Mendelssohn and the nineteenth-century anti-Semitic tradition' (PhD: Brandeis University, 2000. 977p.)
MLetters lxxxviii/3 (Aug 2007) 519-523 (Donald M. Mintz)
Notes lxiv/2 (Dec 2007) 275-278 (John Michael Cooper)
SaggiatoreM xv/1 (2008) 122-129 (Maria Teresa Arfini)
JRMA cxxxiii/2 (2008) 334-352 (Ryan Minor)
JAMSoc lxii/3 (Fall 2009) 737-742 (Daniel Beller-McKenna)
76. Wollny, Peter (ed.): Miscellaneous Keyboard Works I / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 8.1 (2006), xxvi, 150p
Edited by Peter Wollny. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2006. xxvi, 150p (Critical report S. 115 - 150(?)). ISBN: 1-933280-03-4; 978-1-933280-03-5. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 8.1) [Clavierstücke verschiedener Art, Wq 112. Kurze und leichte Clavierstücke, erste Sammlung, Wq 113. Kurze und leichte Clavierstücke, zweite Sammlung, Wq 114. Rondo in e minor, Wq 66. Fantasia in E-flat Major, H 348. Fantasia D major, Wq 117/14. Fantasia G major, Wq 117/11. Fantasia D major, Wq 117/12. Fantasia G major, Wq 117/13. Fantasia in F-sharp Minor, Wq 67] [Wq 66, 67, 112/1-19, 113/1-11, 114/1-11, 117/11-14; H 348]
EarlyM xxxv/3 (Aug 2007) 469-470 (Douglas Hollick)
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
77. Adams, Sarah (ed.): Six Symphonies for Baron van Swieten / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 2 (2006), xxiv, 100p
Edited by Sarah Adams. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2006. xxiv, 100p. ISBN: 1-933280-05-0; 978-1-933280-05-9. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 2) [Wq 182/1-6 - H 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662]
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xli/2 (May 2013) 350-351 (Nigel Springthorpe)
78. Page, Janet K. (ed.): Oboe Concertos / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 5 (2006), xxi, 85p
Edited by Janet K. Page. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2006. xxi, 85p. ISBN: 1-933280-17-4; 978-1-933280-17-2. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 5) [Wq 164, 165 - H. 466, 468]
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xl/3 (Aug 2012) 512-514 (Rachel Chaplin)
79. Wolff, Uwe (ed.): Passion according to St. Mark (1770): an adaption of the St. Mark Passion by Gottfried August Homilius / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 4/ 5.1 (2006), xxviii, 147p
Edited by Uwe Wolf - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2006. xxviii, 147p. ISBN: 1-933280-18-2; 978-1-933280-18-9. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series IV: Oratorios and passions; Volume 5.1) [H 783]
18cM vi/2 (Sep 2009), 274-276 (Stephen Roe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
80. Kevorkian, Tanya: Baroque Piety: Religion, Society, and Music in Leipzig, 1650-1750. (2007), 266p
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 266p. ISBN: 0-7546-5490-7.
Consort 64, Summer 2008) 109-111 (Thomas Cooper)
Renaissance Quarterly lxi/3 (Fall 2008) 991-992 (Mark Peters)
BIOSJ xxxii (2008) 214-215 (David Knight)
H-Net (Apr 2008) (Janette Tilley)
LutherQ xxii/4 (Winter 2008) 465-467 (Paul Westermeyer)
ChurchHist lxxvii/4 (Dec 2008) 1064-1066 (Eric Lund)
JAMSoc lxii/1 (Spring 2009) 222-225 (Joyce L. Irwin)
Elise Crean, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyM xxxvii/2 (May 2009) 306-307 (John Butt)
Bach xl/1 (2009) 85-87 (Markus Rathey)
18cM vii/1 (Mar 2010) 119-121 (Stephen Rose)
BachJb xcvii (2011) 293-298 (Michael Maul)
81. Gjerdingen, Robert O.: Music in the galant style. (2007), ix, 514p
Being an essay on various schemata characteristic of eighteenth-century music for courtly chambers, chapels, and theaters, including tasteful passages of music drawn from most excellent chapel masters in the employ of noble and noteworthy personages, said music all collected for the reader's delectation on the World Wide Web. - New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007, ix, 514p. ISBN: 0-19-531371-2; 978-0-19-531371-0.
JMTheory l/2 (Fall 2006) 277-290 (David Temperley)
TijdschrMtheorie xiii/2 (May 2008) 175-177 (Hans Aerts)
JSMI iv (2008) 101-105 (Martin Adams)
MLetters xc/3 (Aug 2009) 468-473 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
EarlyM xxxvii/4 (Nov 2009) 669-671 (Matthew Pritchard)
JMcolResearch xxix/1 (Jan-Mar 2010) 73-79 (Donald R. Boomgaarden)
TheoryPractice xxxvi (2011) 225-235 (Paul Moravitz Sherrill)
JAMSoc lxiv/1 (Spring 2011) 244-253 (Mary Sue Morrow)
82. Williams, Peter F.: J.S. Bach: A Life in Music. (2007), xi, 405p
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xi, 405p. ISBN: 0-521-87074-7. - 2nd ed. 2012. xi, 405p. ISBN: 978-0-521-30683-6.
The New York Sun (Mar 23, 2007) (Benjamin Ivry)
BachNotesLBS (Sep 2007) [2] (Margaret Steinitz)
MTimes cxlviii/1901 (Winter 2007) 108-109 (Patricia Howard)
FontesArtisM lv/1 (2008) 88-89 (Kathryn Lowerre)
MLetters lxxxix/4 (2008) 622-625 (John Butt)
JAMSoc lxii/2 (Summer 2009) 475-482 (Matthew Dirst)
OrganistsReview xcix/1 (Mar 2013) 64 (Paul Hale)
83. Berger, Karol: Bach's Cycle, Mozart's Arrow: An Essay on the Origins of Musical Modernity. (2007), xi, 420p
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2007. xi, 420p. ISBN: 978-0-520-25091-8 (hardcover); 978-0-520-25797-9 (paperback).
EarlyM xxxvi/2 (May 2008) 304-306 (John Butt)
MTimes cxlix/1903 (Summer 2008) 116-118 (Peter Williams)
ActaMozartiana lv/1-2 (Jun 2008) 76-77 (Laurenz Lütteken)
BachNotesABS 10 (Fall 2008) 6-7 (Gregory Butler)
19cMReview vi/1 (2009) 91-94 (Marianne Tettlebaum)
TimesLiterarySuppl 5524 (13 Feb 2009) 23 (Nicholas Kenyon)
Notes lxv/3 (Mar 2009) 503-505 (Bertil van Boer)
Modernism/Modernity xvi/2 (Apr 2009) 435-437 (Mary Hunter)
IReviewAesthSociolM xl/2 (Dec 2009) 353-359 (Edward Green)
18cM vii/1 (Mar 2010) 107-109 (Matthias Schmidt)
FontesArtisM lvii/1 (2010) 126-128 (Bryan Proksch)
JAMSoc lxiii/3 (Fall 2010) 658-684 (Robert D. Levin)
84. Berg, Darrell M. (ed.): Miscellaneous Sonatas from Prints I / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 5.1 (2007), xxiv, 133p
Edited by Darrell M. Berg. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2007. xxiv, 133p (Critical report pp.101-133). ISBN: 978-1-933280-15-8. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 5.1) [Sonata in B-flat major, Wq 62/1. Sonata in G major, Wq 62/2. Sonata in D major, Wq 62/3. Sonata in D major, Wq 62/3 (earlier version). Sonata in d minor, Wq 62/4. Sonata in E major, Wq 62/5. Sonata in C major, Wq 62/7. Sonata in f minor, Wq 62/6. Sonata in F major, Wq 62/8. Sonata in F major, Wq 62/9. Sonata in C major, Wq 62/10. Sonata in G major, Wq 62/11. Sonata in D major, Wq 62/13. Sonata in G major, Wq 62/14] [Wq 62/1-11, 62/13-14 - H. 2, 20, 22, 38, 39, 40, 41, 55, 58, 59, 63, 67, 77]
EarlyMReview 126 (Aug 2008) 3-4 (Clifford Bartlett)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
85. Berg, Darrell M. (ed.): Miscellaneous Sonatas from Prints II / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 5.2 (2007), xxiv, 126p
Edited by Darrell M. Berg. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2007. xxiv, 126p (Critical report pp. 99-119). ISBN: 978-1-933280-16-5. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 5.2) [Sonata in d minor, Wq 62/15. Sonata in B-flat major, Wq 62/16. Sonata in g minor, Wq 62/18. Sonata in G major, Wq 62/19. Sonata in E major, Wq 62/17. Sonata in C major, Wq 62/20. Sonata in b minor, Wq 62/22. Sonata in A major, Wq 65/32. Sonata in A major, Wq 65/32 (later version). Sonata in a minor, Wq 62/21. Sonata in c minor, Wq 60. Sonata in g minor, Wq 62/23. Sonata in F major, Wq 62/24. Sonata in d minor, Wq 112/7] [Wq 60, 62/15-24, 65/32 - H. 105, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 131, 132, 135, 179, 209, 210, 240]
EarlyMReview 126 (Aug 2008) 3-4 (Clifford Bartlett)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
86. Lee, Douglas A. (ed.): Arrangements of Orchestral Works I / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/10.1 (2007), xx, 136p
Edited by Douglas Lee. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2007. xx, 136p (Critical report pp.131-136). ISBN: 978-1-933280-27-1. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 10.1) [Concerto in F Major, H 242 (Wq 42 arr.). Concerto in F Major, Wq 43/1. Concerto in D Major, Wq 43/2. Concerto in E-flat Major, Wq 43/3. Concerto in C Minor, Wq 43/4. Concerto in G Major, Wq 43/5. Concerto in C Major, Wq 43/6] [Wq 42 and 43/1-6 arranged for solo keyboard - H. 242, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476]
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
87. Kulukundis, Elias N. (ed.): Keyboard Concertos from Prints / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 7 (2007), xxiv, 187p
Edited by Elias N. Kulukundis. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2007. xxiv, 187p. ISBN: 1-933280-14-1; 978-1-933280-14-1. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 7) [Wq 11, 14, 25 - H. 414, 417, 429]
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xl/2 (May 2012) 323-324 (Francis Knights)
88. Edler, Arnfried (ed.): Keyboard Concertos from Manuscript Sources XIII / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 9.13 (2007), xix, 99p
Edited by Arnfried Edler. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2007. xix, 99p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-20-2. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 9.13) [Wq 39, 40 - H. 465, 467]
Notes lxv/4 (Jun 2009) 840-850 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xl/2 (May 2012) 323-324 (Francis Knights)
89. Corneilson, Paul (ed.): Passion according to St. John (1772) / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 4/ 7.1 (2007), xxxi, 135p
Edited by Paul Corneilson. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2007. xxxi, 135p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-21-9. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series IV: Oratorios and passions, Volume 7.1) [H 785]
18cM vi/2 (Sep 2009) 274-276 (Stephen Roe)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
90. Kramer, Richard A.: Unfinished music. (2008), 405p
New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. xiii, 405p. ISBN: 978-0-19-532682-6. [Enth. u.a.: Emanuel Bach and the allure of the irrational]
JAMSoc lxiii/3 (Fall 2010) 685-690 (Dennis Mahoney)
19MReview vii/1 (2010) 123-127 (William Drabkin)
18cM viii/1 (Mar 2011) 129-131 (Lothar Schmidt)
91. Richards, Annette; Yearsley, David (eds.): Organ Works / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 9 (2008), xxvi, 123p
Edited by Annette Richards and David Yearsley. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxvi, 123p (Critical report pp. 91-119). ISBN: 978-1-933280-33-2. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 9) [Sonata in g minor, Wq 70/6. Sonata in D major, Wq 70/5. Sonata in F major, Wq 70/3. Sonata in a minor, Wq 70/4. Sonata in B-flat major, Wq 70/2. Prelude in D major, Wq 70/7. Fantasia and fugue in c minor, Wq 119/7. Fugue in d minor, Wq 119/2. Fugue in F major, Wq 119/3. Fugue in A major, Wq 119/4. Fugue in g minor, Wq 119/5. Fugue in E-flat major, Wq 119/6. O Gott, du frommer Gott, H 336/1. Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht, H 336/2. Jesus, meine Zuversicht, H 336/3. Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten, H 336/4. Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, H 336/5. Chorale prelude on "Aus der Tiefen rufe ich", BWV 745. Chorale prelude on "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ", BWV Anh. II 73. Adagio in d minor, [Wq n.v.66] H 352. Appendix: Pedal Exercitium, BWV 598] [BWV 745, Anh. II 73; Wq 70/2-7 (H 134, 84, 85, 86, 87, 107), Wq 119/2-7 (H 99, 100, 101, 101.5, 102, 75.5), H 336/1-5, H 352; BWV 598 (Anh. II)]
MKirche lxxix/3 (2009) 215 (Rüdiger Wilhelm)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
92. Kregor, Jonathan (ed.): Arrangements of orchestral works II / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/10.2 (2008), xvi, 94p
Edited by Jonathan Kregor. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xvi, [4], 94p (Critical report pp. 73-82). ISBN: 978-1-933280-39-4. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series I: Keyboard music, Volume 10.2) [Symphony in G major, Wq 122/1 (arr. Wq 173). Symphony in F major, Wq 122/5 (arr. Wq 181). Symphony in D major (arr. Wq 176). Symphony in C major (arr. Wq 174). Symphony in F major, Wq 122/2 (arr. Wq 175). Symphony in e minor, Wq 122/3 (arr. Wq 178). Symphony in E-flat major (arr. Wq 179). Symphony in G major, Wq 112/13 (arr. Wq 180)] [Wq 112, 122 - H. 45, 104, 115, 191, 227]
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
93. Oleskiewicz, Mary (ed.): Solo Sonatas / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 2/ 1 (2008), xxx, 146p
Edited by Mary Oleskiewicz - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxx, 146p (Critical Report p.127ff). ISBN: 978-1-933280-23-3. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series II: Chamber music, Volume 1) [Sonata in A minor for unaccompanied Flute, Wq 132. Sonata in G major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 123. Sonata in E minor for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 124. Sonata in B-flat major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 125. Sonata in D major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 126. Sonata in G major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 127. Sonata in A minor for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 128. Sonata in D major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 129. Sonata in B-flat major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 130. Sonata in D major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 131. Sonata in G major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 133. Sonata in G major for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 134. Sonata in G minor for Flute and Basso Continuo, Wq 130. Sonata in B-flat major for Oboe and Basso Continuo, Wq 135. Sonata in C major for Viola da gamba and Basso Continuo, Wq 136. Sonata in D major for Viola da gamba and Basso Continuo, Wq 137. Sonata in G major for Harp and Basso Continuo, Wq 139. Sonata in G minor for Violoncello and Basso Continuo, Wq 138 (lost)] [Wq 123-137, 139, 138 (lost)]
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xxxviii/2 (May 2010) 300-302 (Nancy Hadden)
94. Krüger, Ekkehard; Schwinger, Tobias (eds.): Berlin Symphonies / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 1 (2008), xxviii, 195p
Edited by Ekkehard Krüger and Tobias Schwinger. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxviii, 195p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-24-0. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 1) [Wq 173-181 - H. 648, 649, 650, 651, 653, 654, 655, 656]
EarlyMReview 127 (Oct 2008) 4 (Clifford Bartlett)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xli/2 (May 2013) 350-351 (Nigel Springthorpe)
95. Nosow, Robert (ed.): Violoncello Concertos / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 6 (2008), xxxii, 171p
Edited by Robert Nosow. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxxii, 171p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-25-7. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 6) [Wq 170, 171, 172 - H. 432, 436, 439]
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
96. Edler, Arnfried (ed.): Keyboard Concertos from Manuscript Sources XIV / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 9.14 (2008), xxiv, 143p
Edited by Arnfried Edler. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxiv, 143p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-32-5. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 9.14) [Wq 41, 42 - H. 469, 470]
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
EarlyM xl/2 (May 2012) 323-324 (Francis Knights)
97. Sanders, Reginald L. (ed.): Die Israeliten in der Wüste / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 4/ 1 (2008), xxxiv, 138p
Edited by Reginald L. Sanders. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxxiv, 138p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-34-9. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series IV: Oratorios and passions, Volume 1) [Wq 238]
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
98. Leisinger, Ulrich (ed.): Passion according to St. Matthew (1769): incorporating music by Johann Sebastian Bach / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 4/ 4.1 (2008), xxxii, 227p
Edited by Ulrich Leisinger. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxxii, 227p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-19-6. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series IV: Oratorios and passions, Volume 4.1) [H 782]
EarlyMReview 126 (2008) 3-4 (Clifford Bartlett)
JAMSoc lxiii/1 (Spring 2010) 149-155 (Cliff Eisen)
99. Yearsley, David: Bach's Feet: the Organ Pedals in European Culture. (2011), xiv, 298p
Cambridge University Press, 2011. xiv, 298p. ISBN:9780521199018. (= Musical Performance and Reception) - Paperback edn. 2017.
OrganAustralia ix/1 (Mar 2013) 33-35 (Jan-Piet Kniff)
EarlyMAmer xix/2 (Summer 2013) 47-48 (Peter Sykes)
EarlyM xl/4 (Nov 2012) 691-693 (Robert Quinney)
Notes lxx/1 (Sep 2013) 119-122 (David Crean)
AmerOrganist(2) xlvii/11 (Nov 2013) 46-47 (James L. Wallmann)
JAmerMInstrSoc xxxix (2013) 216-219 (Jane Schatkin Hettrick)
JAMSoc lxvii/2 (Summer 2014) 589-598 (Ernest May)
100. Wolff, Christoph; Zepf, Markus: The organs of J.S. Bach: A handbook. (2012), xxv, 208p
Trans. Lynn Edwards Butler. - Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2012. xxv, 208p. ISBN: 0-252-03684-0; 978-0-252-03684-2.
Bach xliii/2 (2012) 93-96 (Dan Zager)
AmerOrganist(2) xlvi/10 (Oct 2012) 88-89 (Rollin Smith)
EarlyMReview 151 (Dec 2012) 12 (Andrew Benson-Wilson)
Diapason civ/6:1243 (Jun 2013) 12-13 (John L. Speller)
JAMSoc lxvii/2 (Summer 2014) 589-598 (Ernest May)
FontesArtisM lxii/1 (Jan-Mar 2015) 41-42 (Bryan Proksch)
101. Stinson, Russell: J. S. Bach at His Royal Instrument: Essays on His Organ Works. [ce]Stinson (2012), xi, 203p
New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. xi, 203p. ISBN: 978-0-19-991723-5.
Diapason civ/6:1243 (Jun 2013) 12 (John M. Bullard)
EarlyMAmer xx/1 (Spring 2014) 61-62 (Peter Sykes)
EarlyM xlii/2 (May 2014) 299-301 (Robert Quinney)
AmerOrganist(2) xlviii/8 (Aug 2014) 52-54 (Jonathan B. Hall)
JAMSoc lxvii/2 (Summer 2014) 589-598 (Ernest May)
OrganYb lxiii (2014) 186-188 (Peter Williams)
102. Talle, Andrew: Beyond Bach: Music and everyday life in the eighteenth century. (2017), xiv, 343p
Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2017. xiv, 343p. ISBN: 978-0-252-04084-9; 978-0-252-09934-2.
BachNotesABS 27 (Fall 2017) 8-9 (Evan Cortens)
Bach xlviii/2-xlix/1 (2018) 164-169 (Barbara M. Reul)
FontesArtisM lxv/1 (Jan-Mar 2018) 28-30 (Alon Schab, Colin Coleman, Sandi-Jo Malmon)
18cM xv/2 (Oct 2018) 246-248 (Arne Spohr)
Notes lxxv/3 (Mar 2019) 516-519 (Sarah Bushey)
JAMSoc lxxii/2 (Summer 2019) 585-590 (Tanya Kevorkian)
103. Yearsley, David: Sex, Death, and Minuets: Anna Magdalena Bach and Her Musical Notebooks. (2019), 336p
Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. 336p. ISBN-13: 978-0-226-61770-1. (= New Material Histories of Music)
BachNotesABS 32 (Spring 2020) 3-4 (David Schulenberg)
18cStud liv/4 (Fall 2020) 220-223 (Matthew Dirst)
EarlyM xlviii/2 (May 2020) 261-262 (Zoltán Szabó)
Bach li/1 (2020) 139-171 (Andrew Talle)
18cM xviii/1 (Mar 2021) 199-201 (Ashley A. Greathouse)
JAMSoc lxxiv/1 (2021) 176-181 (Yo Tomita)
ColMSymposium lxi/2 (2021) (Natasha Roule)

103 matches.

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Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita