Bach Printed Music Database
Search Result

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Series : ^Goldberg$
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : serially (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Moore, TomBach's Musical offering / La ofrenda musical de Bach. Goldberg 1 1997 33-41
2. Sherman, Bernard D.Bach's B minor Mass / Misa en si menor de Bach. Goldberg 9 Nov 1999 52-60
3. Robins, BrianBach's sacred cantatas / Las cantatas sacras de Bach. Goldberg 13 Dec 2000 54-67
4. Golomb, UriTon Koopman. Goldberg 24 Sep 2003 42-51
5. Vela Del Campok, J. A.Spanish views of Bach: a box full of surprises. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 4
6. Argent, MarkA Bach Easter in Cambridge. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 6
7. Freeman, GaryBach at Eastertide. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 8
8. Andrés, RamónJohann Sebastian Bach: del espíritu y los libros / Johann Sebastian Bach: Reading and the Spirit. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 16-29
9. Melamed, Daniel R.The Passions: Versions and Problems / Las pasiones: versiones y problemas. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 30-37
10. Koopman, TonCantatas. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 38-47
11. Robins, BrianSigiswald Kuijken. [Interview] Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 48-59
12. Dubois, PierreAn Organ for Performing Bach / Un órgano para interpretar a Bach. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 60-60
13. Jackson, RolandBach and performance practice / Bach y la práctica interpretativa. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 70-79
14. Scholl, AndreasSinging Bach / Cantar a Bach. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 80-85
15. Argent, MarkMasaaki Suzuki. [Interview] Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 86-93
16. Egarr, RichardVariaciones Goldberg: Reflexiones interpretativas. / Goldberg Variations: Reflections on performance. Goldberg 34 Jun 2005 94-99
17. Golomb, UriEl arte de la fuga de Johann Sebastián Bach / Johann Sebastian Bach's The Art of Fugue. Goldberg 38 Feb 2006 64-73
18. Golomb, UriEl drama litúrgico en la 'Pasión según San Mateo' de Bach / Liturgical drama in Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Goldberg 39 Apr 2006 48-59
19. Argent, MarkCrónica de Londres: Bach no pudo ser, pero Vivaldi llega a la ciudad. / From London: No way Bach, but Vivaldi comes to Town. Goldberg 41 Aug 2006 6-7
20. Lock, GrahamAngela Hewitt. Goldberg 48 Oct 2007 35-45
21. Golomb, UriLos Oratorios de Bach / Bach's Oratorio. Goldberg 48 Oct 2007 58-71
22. Golomb, UriUnderstanding Bach's B-minor Mass: A Participant's Report / Comprender la Misa en Si menor de Bach: informe de un participante. Goldberg 49 Jan 2008 16
23. Capuano, GianlucaJ. S. Bach: una cantata para el primer Domingo de Adviento / A Bach Cantata for the first Sunday in Advent. Goldberg 49 Jan 2008 38-48
24. Golomb, Uri[Joshua Rifkin: Interview] Goldberg 51 Jun 2008 56-57
25. Golomb, UriKeys to the Performance of Baroque Music. Goldberg 51 Apr 2008 56-67
26. Golomb, UriLas cuatro 'Misas' de Bach / Bach's four Missae. Goldberg 54 Oct 2008 46-59
27. Erhardt, TassiloMás allá de la Biblia de Bach / Beyond Bach's Bible. Goldberg 54 Oct 2008 70-77

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita