RecNo | Author | Title [further info] | Series | Vol | No | Year | Pages | Status |
[] |
| Kuznecova, Natal'ā Markovna | Semantika muzykalnogo dialoga v tekstah p'es 'Notnoj tetradi Anny Magdaleny Bah'. [Semantics of a musical dialogue in Clavierbüchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach] Also in: Muzykal'nyj tekst i ispolnitel', Ufa: Gosudarstvennaā Akademiā Iskusstv im. Z.Ismagilova, Laboratorija Muzykal'noj Semantiki, 2004. 131p; pp.39-57. |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1 | 2007 |
249-256 |
rilm2007-15100, rilm2004-15274 |
| Gordeeva, Elena Vladimirovna | Muzykal'naā leksikografiā scen i obrazov muzicirovaniā v klavirnyh p'esah Francuzskih sūit I.-S. Baha. [Musical lexicography of the scenes and images of musicianship in keyboard pieces from J.S. Bach's French suites] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1 | 2008 |
198-202 |
rilm2008-14841 |
| Napreev, Boris Dmitrievič | Lūdvig Busler: Orkestrovaā Transkripciā klavirnoj fugi I.-S. Baha. [Ludwig Bussler: Orchestral transcription of J.S. Bach's keyboard fugue] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1 | 2009 |
48-56 |
rilm2009-09252 Latin 2 |
| Dombrauskene, Galina Nikolaevna | Shema kak instrument analiza muzykal“no-semantičeskih struktur nemeckogo protestantskogo horala. [The scheme as an instrument of analysis of music-semantic structures of German Protestant chorale] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 2:9 | 2011 |
60-63 |
rilm2011-11180 Latin 2 |
| Vāzkova, Elena Vasil'evna | Diskussionnye voprosy bahiany: Semnadcat' horalov i Kanoničeskie variacii. [Topical issues of the Bach studies: Leipzig chorales and Canonic variations] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1:10 | 2012 |
109-114 |
rilm2012-06133 |
| Krupina, Larisa Leonidovna | Faktor kontrasta v riturnel'no-fugirovannych formach I.S. Bacha. [The contrast factor in ritornello-fuge forms of J.S. Bach] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1:10 | 2012 |
115-120 |
rilm2012-06134 |
| Kuznecova, Natal'ā Markovna | O nekotoryh priėmah ispolnitel'skih preobrazovanij klavirnogo urteksta I.S. Baha: Na primere instruktivnyh socinenij dlā klavira. [The methods of performance transformations of J.S. Bach's keyboard Urtext: Example of instructional works for keyboard] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 2:13 | 2013 |
197-204 |
rilm2013-23850 |
| Napreev, Boris Dmitrievic | O ricerkarnosti v fuge C dur Horoo temperirovannogo klavira (tom I) I.S. Baha. [Concerning ricercar qualities in the Fugue in C Major from J.S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier Book I] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1 | 2016 |
13-19 |
rilm2016-05024, Google Scholar |
| ajmuhametova, Lūdmila Nikolaevna | Bach and Newton: Artistic parallelsAbout the creative content of the Urtext of the inventions and sinfonias. |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 3 | 2016 |
15-20 |
rilm2016-28372 |
| Vāzkova, Elena Vasil'evna | O modal'noj i tonal'noj sistemah v Clavierübung III I.S. Baha. |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 3:28 | 2017 |
43-49 |
rilm2017-36315 |
| Napreev, Boris Dmitrievic | Pāt' fug iz Horoo temprerirovannogo klavira (tom II) I.S. Baha 'v proctenii' V.A. Mocart. [The five fugues from J.S. Bach's second volume of Das wohltemperirte Clavier in Mozart's rendition] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1:34 | 2019 |
37-45 |
rilm2019-04176 |
| Titova, Anastasiā Vasil'evna | Ach Golgatha! Karela Gujvartsa v aspekte sinteza serializma, aleatoriki i minimalizma. [Ach Golgatha! by Karel Goeyvaerts as synthesis of serialism, aleatory technique, and minimalism] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1:42 | 2021 |
182-192 |
rilm2021-06218 |
| Alekseeva, Irina Vasil'evna; Sitdikova, Flūra Bulatovna | O specifike organizacii sol'nogo skripicnogo teksta zapadnoevropejskogo barokko: Na primere Partity no. 1 h moll I.S. Baha dlā skripki solo. [The specificity of organizing the solo violin musical textin the Western European Baroque style: J.S. Bach's violin partita, no. 1, BWV 1002] |
ProblemyMlNauki |
| 1:42 | 2021 |
27-35 |
rilm2021-06204 |
13 matches.