Author |
Title |
Series |
Vol |
No |
Year |
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NB |
Walker, Ernest | Selected Arias / J. S. Bach | SelectedArias(Walker) | | | 1901 | 67p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Mein Seelenschatz ist Gottes Wort' ('My soul's delight is God's own Word.') From the Cantata: 'Gleich wie der Regen.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 1 | 1901 | 6p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Gedenk' an uns mit deiner Liebe.' ('O think on us with Thy compassion.') From the Cantata 'Wir danken dir, Gott.' (Composed for the election of the Leipzig Town Council in 1731.) / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 2 | 1901 | 5p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen.' ('Dearest Saviour, whom I long for.') From the Cantata of the same title. / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 3 | 1901 | 7p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Ich wünschte mir den Tod.' ('I should have wished for death.') From the Cantata 'Selig ist der Mann,' a dialogue between 'Jesus' and 'Die Seele.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 4 | 1901 | 8p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Mein Jesus will es thun.' ('This will my Saviour do.') From the Cantata 'Alles nur nach Gottes Willen.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 5 | 1901 | 8p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot.' ('I eat with gladness my scanty bread.') From the Cantata 'Ich bin vergnügt.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 6 | 1901 | 12p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Gottes Engel weichen nie.' ('God's own angels never go.') From the Cantata 'Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 7 | 1901 | 10p | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Stein, der über alle Schätze' ('Stone, above all others precious.') From the Cantata 'Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 8 | 1901 | | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Jesus soll mein erstes Wort.' ('Jesus my first word shall be.') From the Cantata 'Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 9 | 1901 | | |
Walker, Ernest | 'Ruhet hie, matte Töne.' ('Now be still, languid music.') From the Wedding Cantata for Soprano: 'O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit.' / J. S. Bach. | SelectedArias(Walker) | | 10 | 1901 | 10p | |
11 matches.