Type | List | Author | Title [further info] | Series | Vol | No | Year | Pages | Status |
| 1. | [Cox, Howard H.] | A Literary Analysis of the Intelligible Entries from the Total Sample. |
StudMcol |
92 | | 1985 |
12-30 |
| 2. | Cox, Howard H. | Bach's Conception of His Office. |
Bach |
20 | 1 | Spring 1989 |
22-30 |
| 3. | Cox, Howard H. | Bach's Knowledge of the Bible. |
[fs]Scheide |
| | 1993 |
87-99 |
| 4. | Cox, Howard H. | Bach, the Bible, and the Cyclotron. |
Proteus |
2 | 1 | 1985 |
8/13 |
| 5. | [Cox, Howard H.] | The Authentification of the Hand-Penned Material in Bach's Calov Bible. |
StudMcol |
92 | | 1985 |
3-11 |
| 6. | Cox, Howard H. (ed.) | The Calov Bible of J. S. Bach. |
StudMcol |
92 | | 1985 |
x, 460p |
| 7. | Cox, Howard H. | The Scholarly Detective: Investigating Bach's Personal Bible. |
Bach |
25 | 1 | Spring-Summer 1994 |
28-45 |
| 8. | Cox, Howard H. | The Text Selection Process in Handel's Chandos Anthems. |
Bach |
24 | 1 | Spring-Summer 1993 |
21-34 |
| 9. | Cox, Howard H. | Tintenanalyse als neues Mittel der Bachforschung. Schrieb Bach alles, was an Eintragungen in der Calov-Bibel enthalten ist? |
[cr]Leipzig1985 |
| | 1988 |
291-294 |