Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Lange, Johann K.: Methodus Nova & Perspicua in artem Musicam, Das ist Recht gründtliche Anweisung wie die Edle Music mit allen zugehörigen Stücken auffs allerleichteste und gewisseste nach heutiger neuesten Art fähigen Subjectis in kurtzer Zeit beyzubringen sey. (1688) | |
| 2. | Voigt, Johann Carl: Gespräch von der Musik, zwischen einem Organisten und Adjuvanten, darinnen nicht nur von verschiedenen Missbräuchen, so bey der Musik eingerissen, gehandelt, sondern auch eines und das andere beym Clavier- und Orgel-Spielen angemerket wird, etc. (1742), 140p | |
| 3. | G., J.: On the Clavichord. Harmonicon 8/ 1 (Jan 1830), 13 | |
| 4. | La Fage, Juste Adrien de: Inauguration de l'orgue de Sainte-Clotilde. RevueGazMParis 27/ 1 (1 Jan 1860), 4-5 | |
| 5. | Higgs, James: C. P. E. Bach. MStandard 8/196 (2 May 1868), 186 | |
| 6. | Higgs, James: On the treatment of Bach's organ music (Concluded from page 284). DwightJM 36/11 (2 Sep 1875), 290-292 | |
| 7. | Trego, J. Stafford (arr.): BOUREÉE from J. S. BACH'S THIRD SONATA for the VIOLONCELLO (c 1876), 5p | |
| 8. | Trego, J. Stafford (arr.): Gavotte (LA MUSETTE) from J. S. BACH'S SIXTH SONATA for the VIOLONCELLO (c 1876), 5p | |
| 9. | Higgs, James: On the treatment of Bach's organ music. DwightJM 36/10 (19 Aug 1876), 282-284 | |
| 10. | Higgs, James: Dr. F. K. Griepenkerl's Metronomic Marks for J. S. Bach's Organ Works. MonMRec 6/72 (Dec 1876), 185 | |
| 11. | Higgs, James: Bach's 'Art of Fugue'. ProceedRMA 3 (1876-77), 45-73 | |
| 12. | Higgs, James: Fugue. (1878), 113p | |
| 13. | Bridge, J. Frederick: Double Counterpoint and Canon. (1881), ix, 124p | |
| 14. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Eight Short Preludes and Fugues. OrgWorks(Novello) 1 (1881), 1-25 | |
| 15. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Preludes, fugues and trio. OrgWorks(Novello) 2 (c 1881), 26-56 | |
| 16. | Vogt, Jean: 12 melodische Inventionen zur Uebung des polyphonen Klavierspiels u. als Vorbereitung f. das Studium der Joh. Seb. Bach'schen Inventionen. Op. 150. (1882), 27p | |
| 17. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Fantasias, preludes and fugues. OrgWorks(Novello) 3 (1884), 57-87 | |
| 18. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Sonatas or trios for two manuals and pedal (I-III). OrgWorks(Novello) 4 (1884), 88-123 | |
| 19. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Sonatas or trios for two manuals and pedal (IV-VI). OrgWorks(Novello) 5 (1885), 124-162 | |
| 20. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Toccata, preludes and fugues. OrgWorks(Novello) 6 (1886), 41p | |
| 21. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Preludes and fugues [1]. OrgWorks(Novello) 7 (1887), 42-87 | |
| 22. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Prelude and Fugue in B minor. OrgWorks(Novello) 7/2 (1887), 52-63 | |
| 23. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Preludes and fugues [2]. OrgWorks(Novello) 8 (1888), 88-135 | |
| 24. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Preludes and fugues [3]. OrgWorks(Novello) 9 (1890), 137-195 | |
| 25. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Toccata, preludes and fugues. OrgWorks(Novello) 10 (1891), 196-243 | |
| 26. | Higgs, James (ed.): Short Preludes and Other Pieces for the Clavier by John Sebastian Bach. (1893), 49p | |
| 27. | Higgs, James (ed.): Inventions in two and three parts for the clavier by John Sebastian Bach. (1893), 6, 63p | |
| 28. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Four concertos. OrgWorks(Novello) 11 (1894), 54p | |
| 29. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (eds.): Preludes, fantasias, fugues, trios, &c. OrgWorks(Novello) 12 (1895), 55-114 | |
| 30. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James (ed.): Fugue in E flat major: pro organo pleno / [J.S. Bach] (c 1900), 83-88 | |
| 31. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James, West, John Ebenezer (eds.): The six 'Schübler' chorale prelude and the 'Clavierübung', pt. 3. OrgWorks(Novello) 16 (1916), xi, 88p | |
| 32. | Hennings, Johann: 'Tunderiana'. LübeckBl 75 (1933), 826-830 | |
| 33. | Detheridge, Joseph: Chronology of music composers. (1936-37) | |
| 34. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James; Emery, Walter (eds.): Six sonatas for two manuals and pedal, I-III. OrgWorks(Novello) 4 [rev1] (c 1940), 88-123 | |
| 35. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James; Emery, Walter (eds.): Fantasia, toccata, preludes & fugues / Bach OrgWorks(Novello) 8 [rev] (c 1940), 88-135 | |
| 36. | Hennings, Johann: Neues über Franz Tunder und Dietrich Buxtehude. DMkultur 6 (1941-42), 157-166 | |
| 37. | Bridge, J. Frederick; Higgs, James; Emery, Walter (eds.): Toccatas, preludes, and fugues. OrgWorks(Novello) 6 [rev] (c 1948), v, 41p | |
| 38. | Hennings, Johann; Stahl, Wilhelm: Musikgeschichte Lübecks. Band 2: Geistliche Welt. (1952), 212p | |
| 39. | Hennings, Johann; Stahl, Wilhelm: Musikgeschichte Lübecks. Band 1: Weltliche Musik. (1961), 212p | |
| 40. | Goodenough, J. P.: Annual Bach Festival. [Winter Park/Florida.] MAmer 81/ 5 (May 1961), 26 | |
| 41. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Jan Dismas Zelenka. Bachfest 53 [Marburg] (1978), 89-94 | |
| 42. | Fairleigh, James P.: Pachelbel's Magnificat-Fugues Models for J. S. Bach. AmerOrganist(2) 14/ 6 (Jun 1980), 34-37 | |
| 43. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Bach, Zelenka a Èeská hudba 19. století. HudebniVeda 19/1 (1982), 49-60 | Latin 2
| 44. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Jan Dismas Zelenka. Musica 36/2 (Mar-Apr 1982), 191-193 | |
| 45. | Vegt, J. van der: Bach-Händel-Tour in de DDR. Orgelvriend 24/ 8 (1982) | |
| 46. | Fairleigh, James P.: Italian Prototypes of the Baroque Ritornello. Bach 14/3 (Jul 1983), 2-11 | |
| 47. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Pøíspìvky k životopisu Jana Dismase Zelenky. HudebniVeda 21/2 (1984), 137-145 | Latin 2
| 48. | Brombaugh, John: Influence of Johann Sebastian Bach and His Times on Organbuilding in America in the Late 20th Century. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 3 (Mar 1985), 113-117 | |
| 49. | Kraege, Jean-Denis: La Theologie de Jean-Sébastien Bach. EtudesTheolRelig 60/4 (1985), 553-572 | |
| 50. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Bachovská konference v Lipsku 1985. HudebniVeda 22/3 (1985), 285-286 | |
| 51. | Brombaugh, John: Bach and the Organs of his Time: their influence in America. MTimes 126/1705 (Mar 1985), 171-173, 175-176 | |
| 52. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Die Quellen des stille antico in der Dresdner Musiksammlung um 1730. BachSt 9 (1986), 67-71 | |
| 53. | Brombaugh, John: Bach's Influence on Late Twentieth-Century. American Organ Building. [ce]JSBOrganist (1986), 41-47 | |
| 54. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Jan Dismas Zelenka na královském dvoøe v Drážðanech. HudebniVeda 23/4 (1986), 312-329 | Latin 2
| 55. | Domingo, José Ramos: Juan Sebastian Bach. Cantatas. (1988), 120p | |
| 56. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Zelenka und Bach im 19. und 18. Jahrhundert. [cr]Leipzig1985 (1988), 367-372 | |
| 57. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Die 'Annuae Literae' der Leipziger Jesuiten 1719-1740: Ein Bach-Dokument? BachJb 78 (1992), 77-80 | |
| 58. | Brügge, Joachim: Johann Sebastian Bach, Musikalisches Opfer (BWV 1079): Bemerkungen zum 'Canon a 2 per Tonos' BachJb 78 (1992), 91-100 | |
| 59. | Bužga, Jaroslav: O vztahu Jana Dismase Zelenky k Johannu Sebastianu Bachovi. HudebniVeda 29/2 (1992), 91-102 | |
| 60. | Brügge, Joachim: KV 574: 'Kleine Gigue in G-Dur' - Bach-oder Händel-Einfluß. MtIStiftMozarteum 49/1-4 (1992), 111-115 | |
| 61. | Page, Janet. K.: 'To soften the sound of the hoboy': The muted oboe in the 18th and early 19th centuries. EarlyM 21/1 (Feb 1993), 65-76, 78-80 | |
| 62. | Brügge, Joachim: Zum Problem der 'Mehrfachlösungen' in den Kanons der Musikalischen Opfers: eine kritische Studie zu Reinhard Böß, Die Kunst des Rätselkanons im Musikalischen Opfer. NMwJb 3 (1994), 81-101 | |
| 63. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Two Zelenka masses in J. S. Bach's Nachlaß. [p]BCB_Exeter (Jul 1998) | |
| 64. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Performance Practice of the Electoral Saxon and Royal Polish Hofkapelle: Evidence from the Performance Materials of Gesù al Calvario, Jan Dismas Zelenka, 1735. [p]AMS_Kansas (Nov 1999) | |
| 65. | Domingo, José Ramos: Juan Sebastián Bach: (las cantatas y la pastoral del canto). (2000), 150p | |
| 66. | Brügge, Joachim: Ausgewählte Aspekte zur Diskussion der Sonatensatzformen im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. [cr]Halle1998 2 (2000), 404-410 | |
| 67. | Kaegi, Jean-Claude: Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen zu Bach: organ im Gespräch mit Martin Lücker. Organ(Mainz) 3/4 (2000), 32f | |
| 68. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745): a Bohemian musician at the Court of Dresden. OxfordMonographsM (2000), xxiii, 352p | |
| 69. | Stockigt, Janice B.: The Other Side of the Coin: Catholic Liturgical Music in Lutheran Saxony During Bach's Era. Context 21 (Autumn 2001), 79-84 | |
| 70. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Fasch Visits Dresden: c.1726-1728. FaschSt 8 (2001), 29-56 | |
| 71. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Die Kirchenkompositionen Dresdner Komponisten in Böhmen. JbKonfMittDBarockM 2001 (2002), 203-213 | |
| 72. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Italian Influences Observed in the Vespers Psalm Settings of Johann Friedrich Fasch. FaschSt 9 (2003), 175-202 | |
| 73. | Cage, John: Composition as process: Indeterminacy. (2004), 176-186 | |
| 74. | Brügge, Joachim; Födermayr, Franz; Gratzer, Wolfgang; Hochradner, Thomas; Mauser, Siegfried: Musikgeschichte als Verstehensgeschichte: Festschrift für Gernot Gruber zum 65. Geburtstag. [fs]Gruber65 (2004), 748p | |
| 75. | Stockigt, Janice B.: The royal Polish and electoral Saxon court and state calendars, 1728-50. IrishMStud 8 (2004), 49-64 | |
| 76. | Page, Janet K. (ed.): Oboe Concertos / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 3/ 5 (2006), xxi, 85p | |
| 77. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Consideration of Bach's Kyrie e Gloria BWV 232I within the Context of Dresden Catholic Mass Settings, 1729-1733 [cr]Belfast2007 1 (2007), 52-92 | |
| 78. | Bužga, Jaroslav: Zittauer Ausblicke nach Böhmen. JbKonfMittDBarockM 2006 (2007), 163-166 | |
| 79. | Shuckburgh, Julian: Harmony & Discord: The Real Life of Johann Sebastian Bach. (2009), x, 390p | |
| 80. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Pisendel's Contributions to the Performance of Liturgical Music in the Dresden Catholic Court Church. DresdnBeitrMf 3 (2010), 551-560 | |
| 81. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Methodische Fragen zur Identifikation von Incerta aus dem Dresdner Instrumentalrepertoire. [p]Dresden (Jun 2010) | |
| 82. | Stockigt, Janice B.: The Court of Saxony-Dresden. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 17-49 | |
| 83. | Owens, Samantha; Reul, Barbara M.; Stockigt, Janice B. (eds.): Music at German courts, 1715-1760: Changing artistic priorities. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), xx, 484p | |
| 84. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Bach's Missa BWV 232I in the context of Catholic Mass settings in Dresden, 1729-1733. [ce]ExploringBMM (2013), 39-53 | |
| 85. | Stockigt, Janice B.; Owens, Samantha; Szuster, Jula; Maddox, Alan: 'Bach the Sublime': Australasian Reception of the St. Matthew Passion, 1875-1950. [p]BNUK_Warsaw (Jul 2013) | |
| 86. | Stockigt, Janice B.: A Te Deum performance in Bautzen by members of Dresden's Hofkapelle: 19 May 1733. [p]BNUK_Warsaw (Jul 2013) | |
| 87. | Butler, Margaret R.; Page, Janet K. (eds.): SECM in Brooklyn 2010 : Topics in Eighteenth-Century Music I. [cr]Brooklyn2010 (2014), xv, 241p | |
| 88. | Stockigt, Janice B.: The Visit of Members of the Dresden Hofkapelle to Bautzen: May 1733. UnderstandingBach 9 (2014), 89-92 | |
| 89. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Organists of Leipzig's royal Catholic chapel 1719-1740 (and beyond). [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2015) | |
| 90. | Stockigt, Janice B.: The Music of Leipzig's Royal Catholic Chapel during the Reign of August II. UnderstandingBach 11 (2016), 57-66 | |
| 91. | Stockigt, Janice B. : 'Nobody rose or joined in these hymns': Premiere Australian performances of J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion (1875-76). AustralianMResearch 17 (2018), 11-28 | |
| 92. | Stockigt, Janice B.: Liturgical Music for a New Elector: Origins of Bach's 1733 Missa Revisited. BachPerspectives 12 (2018), 63-83 | |
| 93. | Saraga, Jonathan: A Selective Analysis of Prelude no. 3 from Book 1 of J.S. Bach's Well Tempered Clavier with a Brief Outline of Miguel Zenon's 'JSB': a Reimagined Interpretation. diss. (2019), 11p | |
| 94. | Brügge, Joachim: Über András Schiff und die 'Goldberg-Variationen' (2020), 139p | |
| 95. | Rodrigo, Joaquín: The bicentenary of Johann Sebastian Bach. (2022), 47-48 | |